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What do you guys use to hold your puck of soap?

I prefer using different containers which I do not want to choose different soap by the way sometimes making mistakes are just good at soap selection:wink2:
Here is one of my containers.
I use plastic storage containers that I grate the pucks into, except for the VDH which I cut into pieces and melted in the microwave then poured it into the container.


+1. Just used these exact containers to split up my kilo brick of Cella. They work great!
VDH and Williams in a small, white ramekin
Trumper's Coconut in a The Body Shop tin (never should have thrown the wooden bowl away!)
CE Sandalwood in its wooden bowl
Lightfoot's Pure Pine resides in its own box from whence it rarely moves.
Benton Clay Lavender in another small, white ramekin
MWF in its ceramic container - by far the best looking item on the countertop

I think that is all of my soap. The other soaps I have are in stick form...
I use the small Anchor Hocking bowls similar to the pyrex mentioned above.

Walmart sells them in stacks of four.
I'm using plastic containers I bought at the supermarket for about 1.80€. At least they are made in Portugal and not China like most things sold there :biggrin1:

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis

On the sink to the left is a Robert Becker Scuttle, followed by a Merkur 38C and a FS Silvertip Brush, and my finally my 'own' Sterling Silver Baby :001_rolle Cup (because it fits Chelsea's Unscented Shave Soap perfectly...unwrap...in the cup...no hassles...no issues), my Mother gave me (as my family Keepsake), many...many 'moons' ago.

Also, yes..my B & B friends...it's engraved with my name, birthday and this note;

"To Smoke is Human...To Smoke Cigars is Divine"

Christopher :badger:
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I prefer using different containers which I do not want to choose different soap by the way sometimes making mistakes are just good at soap selection:wink2:
Here is one of my containers.

Holy Cow! I've been looking for something like this since getting into wet-shaving. I love the classic Old Spice mugs but the way I swirl my brush around I've always felt that a handle on the bottom would be a bit more comfortable. Does this type of mug have a name?
I use tupperware for most of my soaps. I do have on wooden bowl that I use for my Taylor and I also have one of the soap holders from Schwartzweisskeramik. I really like the SWK soap holder. A completely unnecessary expense but it is nice enough that I am considering getting a set of them.
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