This week, my M&F Chief arrived! Here was my first shave;
Razor: EJ DE89L
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
Soap: Martin de Candre
Aftershave: Proraso Green
Brush: M&F Chief
Pre: 25 Laps Cloth / 25 Leather Prep: Hot Shower / Neutrogena Razor Defense Face Scrub Cream: TOBS Mr. Taylor Brush: Da Vinci 290 Razor: Lliam Morton & Son 6/8 Near Wedge A/S: Proraso Green Splash Post A/S: 25 Laps Cloth / 100 Leather
Merkur 34C with a new personna med prep blade
Mama Bear toasted coconut
AoS brush
Cat o Nine tails A/S
I purposely overloaded the brush this morning because I planned on doing a 4 pass shave. The shave went extremely well. One of the best I have had in a while. I find when I switch between blades it takes me a coupe blades to dial in my technique again but once I do I get a great shave.
Pre-shave: Aveeno Face Wash
Razor: Merkur 1904 OC Classic
Blade: Shark SS (2)
Soap: Proraso White
Brush: Custom Wolf Whiskers Silvertip
AS Prep: Stridex pad
AS: Sample of Wm. and Neumann Co. Heartwood
It's Shark week! Started the day off with an okay shave. The Shark seemed to tug a little. My parents are coming down for breakfast, so I must be clean shaven. Just relaxing with Do now. He keeps walking up to me and saying Mmmmm. Laughing. Must be the stink.
FW Engels Success
TSN LE 2013 Shavemac D01
L'Oreal A/S Balm spf 15 comes in handy in the desert!!!
alum block... for the little bit of red stuff on the jaw line
Took a while longer to finish today, but i powered through without having to clean up with the DE! still have much to learn as the shave wasn't as close as I prefer...
Wilkinson Sword brush
Super Speed with Nacet
Proraso Blue shaving cream
Unscented moisturizer
Old Spice aftershave
Man, I really like this Proraso Blue cream. It smells great and it lathers beautifully exactly like the other Proraso creams and soaps. It also has a cooling effect, although nowhere near as much as the Green or even the White. Not quite BBS, but still very smooth and comfortable.