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RazoRock Superslant views, reviews, and shaves

Today's shave
Razor: Superslant L2++
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Frank Shaving 24mm
Soap: B&M Cheshire

I have been using my newly acquired L2++ for the last 2 weeks. My first slant was the Merkur 37C and I really enjoyed shaving with it. I wanted a slightly more aggressive slant and I got in touch with IB. Michael recommended the L2++ and that's what I bought.

Definitely more blade feel that the 37C; at the same time, it's highly efficient (for me), and I have no fear of getting nicks, even when I slightly err. Today's shave was a 2-day heave crop and the L2++ cleared the field in a single North-South pass. Did another N-S pass to clean-up. Post-shave application resulted in a shiny glow. Very happy with this.
I am so pleased with this that now I am eyeing a slant adjustable, specifically the Rex Konsul! I might pull the trigger if I come across a good deal :biggrin1:

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I am so pleased with this that now I am eyeing a slant adjustable, specifically the Rex Konsul!

I have one. It's a lovely razor. For some reason I see lots of complaints about the Ambassador being a bitey sucker, but the Konsul is great. One thing to point out, however, is that the Konsul -- while it is a slant, is not the most slanty of slant razors. Possibly just enough to avoid being another Ambassador. :)

It's one of a few razors in the cave that can shave well over damaged skin with some care.


Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
SOTD: Wednesday August 21, 2024
Razor: L3OC
Blade: Dorco Prime (5)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

Colour me impressed. My last shave was Sunday. This morning there was no question which razor would get togged up to play. The lather removed in the WTG passes had great gobs of hair in it. There wasn't really much left for the ATG passes, but one does such things for the sake of completeness sometimes. In the end a very nice near-BBS without really intending such. Slap on some balm ("It's da balm!") and on with my day.

I got my RazoRock SuperSlant in today. I loaded a 7 O'clock yellow in it. It does not go on easily I had to use quite a bit of torque on the handle to get it on. I guess this is normal.
I will use it for Fridays shave.


Use the Fat, Luke!
I mostly just keep the konsul because it's pretty
first I have heard of the Konsul. I have been away too long. How does it shave?
How is that aftershave? I have never heard of that.

And now for my question. I have and love the Yaqi Top Aggressive slant. It makes my face feel like marble. Buuuuut, I can't shave more than two days in a row without having to take a day off.

After days reading through this thread, it seems like the L3++ SB would be perfect for me. Other aggressiveness junkies have said that with the L3++OC, it is too much for a daily driver. Can anyone confirm this?

Also, is the L3++SB comparable to any other razors? Maybe a blackbird?

Many thanks!

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead

Aha. Had to go back and reconstruct what I was thinking back then. :) I was snarking on the nomenclature RazoRock uses for the Superslant, with Lx/Lx+/Lx++/Lx++OC and just putting alphabet soup together to signify "Darn Fine Shave L2++OC." Mostly I don't mess with all the ++++ stuff because it just feels like hype to me, but that's me. So I get snarky.

first I have heard of the Konsul. I have been away too long. How does it shave?

Like a dream. There are a couple of slant razors that shave really very well, but I often think it's not because they're slants. They are slants, but not very slanty ones. One is the Konsul, the other is the ATT X1. The Konsul is a stellar adjustable razor and should not cause any qualm to anyone whether they like slants or have never used one. (Ditto for the X1, which is really a nice mild AC razor that just happens to be a slant.)

After days reading through this thread, it seems like the L3++ SB would be perfect for me. Other aggressiveness junkies have said that with the L3++OC, it is too much for a daily driver. Can anyone confirm this?

Well, I'm not an aggressiveness junkie nor do I play one on TV, but I have said that, yes. Sober second thought and further trials with the razor have now convinced me I was being a bit of a princess with that comment. It can be a daily driver, no problem. But you'd better keep paying attention. Not that it's bitey; it's not. Simply that to get the most out of the L3++OC one needs to stay alert to what it's doing.

Also, is the L3++SB comparable to any other razors?

Being one notch "down" from the OC version, I would suspect it falls somewhere between L3+ and the L3++OC. :) The OC is smoother than the Wunderbar. I'm going to guess it would be close to the fabled Merkur "Super Slant" but not many of us have had the opportunity to take one of those unicorns for a ride. (I have) Hmm. I'm thinking you'd need to look at vintage slants, as many modern slant makers don't seem willing to go for the gusto the way the vintage makers did. A Fasan Double Slant might come close. It's really a different animal, though.



Use the Fat, Luke!
I don't feel any blade irritation, but added the balm as a precaution. Some minimal stinging when applying the Floid but nowhere near Home Alone level. In fact, only felt the sting in my chin area which I had buffed in both directions after 2 passes. I truly doubt I'll have anything to cut tomorrow until late in the evening.

SWMBO was in the bathroom and said she could tell it was cutting because she heard it even on the 2nd pass. She really loves the Genuine- I almost couldn't get out of the house.

Sunday SOTD:

Leaf Razor (Head Shave)
Feather (1)
Chubby 2 Super
Osage Rub first; after dry-down,
The VEG!

Back to my regular 2 passes today since there was only 1 day's worth of stubble to contend with. Years ago, the Merkur Slant + Feather was called the "Devil's Combo"- I wonder what we'll end up calling this combo. After my WTG and XTG pass, there was nothing else left to remove. I buffed my chin area and then a cool water rinse. My face felt great-definitely smooth but not as smooth as my Friday shave. I'm wondering if I should have done a 3rd pass.

The Feather didn't have any issues as the MWF laid down a lather that protected. However, this combo will bite if not careful- I saw a spot of blood on my chin and didn't know how it got there. By the time I rinsed and lathered for my 2nd pass, it was gone. No evidence of it after the 2nd pass or while buffing- I guess something was in the way and the vorpal blade went snik-snik!

Since it was hot & humid, I figured the Osage Rub would be a good foundation layer before adding the VEG. Sure enough, I was right. Adding the VEG on top of the Rub brought back all the cold while smelling divine. SWMBO kept rubbing my face and head and telling me how good I smelled-yeah baby, yeah! Too bad I had to leave and wouldn't see her for a couple of hours.

I've only been using this for 1 week (truly seemed much longer), but after getting the handle sorted out, this is definitely a keeper. I will not be purchasing another OC blade; my Lupo .95 OC works fine and gives me a step-down level from the SS. In fact, the SB is a level down from the OC so the Lupo would be 2 levels I guess. So far, I have proven to myself that this OC is not a daily driver or every other day driver for that matter.

For my beard and face, the SS L3++SB can be a daily driver; the L3++OC will be used on those times when I have 2-3 days (or more!) of growth. I love having the option between the 2. Now if Italian Barber would only start making cases to hold all of these baseplates!


Tuesday SOTD:

Feather (2)
Chubby 2 Super
Fine Snakebite A/S
Leaf Razor (Head Shave)

Having shaved on Sunday, there wasn't much left for a full shave Monday. By Tuesday, there was enough stubble for a nice shave after my shower.

I moved the Feather blade from the L3++OC to the SB and went to town. Lately, I have truly enjoyed the performance of MWF. I used to shave with it, then not again for months as I worked my way through my rotation of soaps. Typically, it would be cracked like the Mojave Desert when I used it again. I guess there is something to using the same shave soap for consecutive shaves. :wink2:

I gave myself a slight nick when shaving my chin area and turned my head to respond to SWMBO (doh!). However, I didn't feel it but saw it when relathering. It didn't hang around long though. By the time I finished my cold water rinse and dry down w/ my towel, it was gone.

Upon applying my A/S, I definitely felt the initial burn but it wasn't Home Alone level. The funny thing was there was no burn on my neck area, just my face and head. 3 passes on my face (WTG, XTG, & ATG) while my head gets 1 pass ATG.

So for now, the L3++SB will be my daily driver (yeah, we need another name for it!) but I look forward to the days when I'll get to use the L3++OC.


Used the OC 2++ again. Managed to squeeze a PermaSharp blade in.
2+ pass shave, was smooth BUT: the after shave burnt a LOT (Proraso Red). I waited 30min then applied balm: Loreal 15SPF....and this burnt a LOT. I had a previous shave last month in which Nivea SPF 15 sensitive burnt a lot (that was the head) today face.
10hrs later during the shower it still burnt.
Not sure if this was a blade issue or a blade + razor.
Used an OC adjustable w a Willis blade for the head and that one was smooth, close and no burning.

So: now this is the 2nd shave w the OC 2++ with burning vs no burning w CC 3++....

I currently enjoy Merkur 39C. I am looking for something that is more efficient, shaves close, and provides effortless bbs for the days when i need it. SS L3 and Lupo .95 OC seems to be good options. I live in other end of the world so reselling it if i don't like would be impossible. Is it as efficient as R41 or blackbird without being too harsh on the skin ? Is L3 a definitive upgrade over 39C ? i would have gone with L3 OC but there is only a L3++ OC, which i suspect is aggressive but without much in efficiency. Thanks!

Among the two, which one shaves closer ? SS L3 or Lupo .95 OC ?

My ranking would differ from MaukaMan (as we all know, YMMV). For me, in order of efficiency, would be the SS L3++OC, the SS L3++SB, the Lupo .95OC, then .84 JAWS.

With the SS, I only need 2 passes to remove up to 5 days growth, and no touch-up needed. With the Lupo or the GC JAWS, I'm going 3 passes to get the same results.

The L3++SB, the Lupo, and JAWS can all be used as daily drivers. In fact, as I acquired each one, they replaced the previous razor I had been using. I cannot (and will not!) use the SS L3++OC as a daily driver- it does not leave enough stubble behind. I can easily get through the next day without a shave after using it.

Hope this helps.


Second shave with the ss L3++ in the books. Much better than the first shave zero irritation and one of the most close shaves I've had . It is with out a doubt the most efficient razors I've had . With the grain it takes off a good amount of stubble but it seems something magic happens on the against the grain pass. It's odd to me how close it shaves with so little blade feel or feedback but I'm learning the razor quickly. Thinking about picking up the L3OC plate when it's back in stock
@htownmmm @Filudo @Whatsinaname @vhahne559 I hope you don't mind if I pick your brains!

I have been reading this thread with great curiosity. A couple years ago I honed in on a grail razor - a Yaqi Top Aggressive Slant. It costs $10, but shaves closer that any other razor I have ever tried, with very little risk of nicking myself. The only problem is that I can't shave every single day. I need to take every other day as a break. That is okay, as there is so little left that skipping a day has never been that big of a deal.

So, I found this thread and was reading with great curiosity. It seems like your experience with the SB L3++ could fill in the spot for me. Given that you have all said you couldn't shave with the L3++OC every day, and you could shave every day with the L3++SB, I am hopeful that it might be the right razor.

The are any of you able to compare the L3++ SB with the blackbird? I loved that razor, but buffing wasn't possible, so I sold it.

@htownmmm @Filudo @Whatsinaname @vhahne559 I hope you don't mind if I pick your brains!

I have been reading this thread with great curiosity. A couple years ago I honed in on a grail razor - a Yaqi Top Aggressive Slant. It costs $10, but shaves closer that any other razor I have ever tried, with very little risk of nicking myself. The only problem is that I can't shave every single day. I need to take every other day as a break. That is okay, as there is so little left that skipping a day has never been that big of a deal.

So, I found this thread and was reading with great curiosity. It seems like your experience with the SB L3++ could fill in the spot for me. Given that you have all said you couldn't shave with the L3++OC every day, and you could shave every day with the L3++SB, I am hopeful that it might be the right razor.

The are any of you able to compare the L3++ SB with the blackbird? I loved that razor, but buffing wasn't possible, so I sold it.

Sadly, I have no experience w/the Blackbird. I have considered the Timeless several times, but so far(RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!), the most expensive razor in my collection is an SE- the King Cobra, purchased at $175.

While I enjoy looking at info about the 'bird, I experience it through our forum members.

The L3++OC is not a daily driver for me but works as an every other day or so. The L3++SB from time to time is my daily driver- I switch it out to use some of the rest of the rotation, and then it comes right back.



I shaved a fortune
I just noticed, Executive Shaving Company is having a 50% off sale.... There might be people who read this thread interested in the Rex Konsul... @50% off... it might make the shipping costs worth it.... If I weren't saving up for a Lambda Ares, I might jump on it myself.


Use the Fat, Luke!
Sadly, I have no experience w/the Blackbird. I have considered the Timeless several times, but so far(RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!), the most expensive razor in my collection is an SE- the King Cobra, purchased at $175.

While I enjoy looking at info about the 'bird, I experience it through our forum members.

The L3++OC is not a daily driver for me but works as an every other day or so. The L3++SB from time to time is my daily driver- I switch it out to use some of the rest of the rotation, and then it comes right back.

thanks marty!

do you mind if i ask what your daily drivers are, just for a basis of comparison?
The are any of you able to compare the L3++ SB with the blackbird?
I own both the Super Slant L2 SB and the L3 SB. Imo, the Blackbird is in the ballpark of the L2 rather than the L3 SB or the even more aggressive variants. Given the experience I have with these I'm pretty sure the L3++ is more aggressive/efficient than the Blackbird.

Today's shave I used :

razor: SuperSlant L2+
blade: Wilkinson Sword
soap: Nivia stick
brush: Muhle STF 25 mm knot

Beautiful shave.

SuperSlant L2+.JPG

Recently received the L3++ plate. Today decided to try it. Of course with the same (brand new) blade that I tried in the L3+.
I am shocked at how big the difference between the L+ and L3++ is. And I must say it is in the feeling of the shave. Difference in closeness is negligible. The L3+ is the kitten that plays with you and tries to get its teeth in your hand. The L3++ is a wild animal that screams "I want blood". That channel in the plate really does matter.

So I am scratching my head and thinking now, did I need to buy that plate even with a significant discount. Because I was expecting a closer shave which basically I didn't get.
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