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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF - Rembrandt's Shaving Masterpiece

Rembrandt edge 4 shave 2

Gillette Tech, Cella original, DS Cosmetics 24mm synth

Another effortlessly smooth shave, but definitely not as close as it might have been - I'm pinning that on the razor. If I'd been paying attention I could have done some buffing and achieved a closer finish, but this was still better than many.
Razor: Blackbird TI

Brush: Chubby 2 Synthetic

Soap: B&M Passiflora

Blade: Rembrandt Super Stainless (5)

Nice shave again. Unfortunately I have to bin this blade because the laser etched markings started to rust. Next time I‘ll disassemble the razor between shaves. ;)
Finally got to try these. I generally shave 1x/week and my neck and cheeks were a bit uncomfortable, so 4 days growth for this review.

Overall, I enjoyed this first shave. The blade is definitely sharp, smooth and look forward to subsequent uses. Right off there is nothing that necessarily keep me from having a couple of these on hand...OH! I do, quite generously donated by @Grundi. My gratitude for the opportunity to give these a go.

I rather like the foil wrapping. The quality and texture remind me of the old school Double Mint Gum foil: the kind you could separate the foil from the wax paper liner. I think I've only used one other blade that didn't come with some sort of wax/glue used to keep the wrapper on.

It would be awesome if ALL blades avoided using wax to hold blades in place.

StageToolProductBBS Rating
Pre-ShaveNylon Scrub MitDr. Bronner's Unscented Liquid Soap

PAA Cube 2.0 Pre-Shave (Non-Menth)
ShaveBladeRembrandt (1)

RazorGillette NLC (Cheeks-Neck)8.5+ (Cheeks) 7.5+ (neck)

BrushPAA Crimson (24mm)

ScuttlePAA Intergalactic Travel

Shave SoapSudsy Soapery Pine & Cedar
PAA Alum Stick
Beard Care
Personally blended oil & residual Dakota Tallow
Skin Care
Dakota Tallow Rosehip Face Cream
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Younger than me equipment: (compared to youngsters like @Grundi )
Blade: Rembrandt, Blade 2, Shave 1
Razor: ATT Windsor Pro, SB90
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar 3 synth
Soap: Supply Ultra Lather Shaving Cream
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Today's shave with this combo was a nice, simple BBS- with no effort.
My fingertips could identify no stubble as such, but felt a slight indefinite difference in texture.

There were no nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.


I don't have a funny description.
You see, in this case it's just a matter of... not sure how to put it... taste? preference? point of view? connection? affinity? prepossession? predilection? propensity?
This is a very important and deep philosophical question that immanently calls for a most serious and intense inquiry.
Why some prefer Vermeer over Hals, while others adore Ruysch, yet aren't at all moved by van Ruisdael? What kind of answer can possibly be given?

Hey, this was a joke, did I overdo it?
Rembrandt Blade #1, Shave #6
Razor: Rockwell 6C (R4)
Brush: Rudy V. 2024 Group Buy Boar
Soap: Haslinger Aloe (Tallow)
AS: Vintage Avon Deep Woods
I used the same kit (more or less) for all six shaves with this blade. Like many of you, I would characterize the blade as smooth but not overly sharp. The first four shaves were comfortable and they yielded good results. Shaves 5 and 6 were respectable but they didn't quite get me to BBS chin and cheeks. I could probably get another shave or two from the blade, but I'm moving on. I have a second Rembrandt and another Kai on deck. I'll report my observations once I've completed round 2.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Rembrandt, Blade 2, Shave 1
Razor: ATT Windsor Pro, SB90
Brush: Rubberset 400-3
Soap: MWF
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's toner WH, Nivea Men Sensitive PSB

Another great shave due to Rembrandt's artistry.
Today's shave was a simple DFS+ with no effort.
There were no nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.
Kai Blade #2 Shave #2
Razor - 1966 Super Speed
Blade - Kai(2)
Brush - Yaqi Ocean
Cream - Proraso Red
A/S - Alum, Thayers Facial Toner, Xtra Care Chivalry
Rating - 9/10 DFS+

Some slight irritation this time but otherwise another good shave.
Kai Blade 1 Head Shave 2

Henson mild
MWF vegan formula
Semogue HD badger

I shaved my head yesterday but completely forgot to post. This was a rare mid-week head shave shave with only 3 days stubble. I figured one pass would be enough and I was mostly right, I just needed some touchups in a few places.

Overall it wasn’t a great shave, but I’m blaming the lather for that one. This is the notoriously difficult/annoying to lather MWF vegan version 1 formula. It’s a good soap it you load it to the max and get the water just right, but it loses it glide and cushion if you let the lather stand around too long. That’s what happened here, first I shaved my face and by the time I got to my head all the juice had worn off. I should have gone back to the tub but at the time I thought I knew better… I’ll try this same razor and blade combo next shave with a different soap and see how it goes.
Rembrandt edge 4 shave 3

Gillette Tech, LEA classic bowl soap, YaQi Sagrada Familia 24mm tuxedo

Just as with the NEW, this blade saw a massive downturn on shave 3, leading to tugging and a less comfortable shave. I am now leaning towards thinking this may be a function of blade-to-blade variability rather than razor choice. Despite (or because of?) the discomfort I got a better shave than I did on the second go - there was some buffing, and more care was taken generally.

This one's ready for the blade bank now. I'm enjoying these Rembrandts, but am leaning towards cracking out a Kai for my next shave.
Rembrandt Blade #2 - Shave #6

Good shave, Rembrandt blade feels like it's just about done, still a DFS

Equipment: Gillette Gold Tech razor, Rembrandt blade (6), Crazy Goat OF soap

Back To The Shave: Although I did get a close shave, DFS range, this Rembrandt feels like it's just about out of shaves to give. I love the Gold Tech, and this combination has been a good one. However, the blade struggled in the challenging areas, and I noticed some places had a little stubble remaining. 6 shaves is good for any blade.
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