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March 2025 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

Prep: Hot Shower/Amish beard oil
Razor: HLS Polished Titanium Taiga
Blade: Rapira SS (1)
Cream: CF 1445
Brush: HLS Polished Titanium 2band finest WT badger
Lather Bowl: CC Obsidian
Alum Stick: Sprouts mineral block
Aftershave: CF 1445 Balm
Quality: Slick BBS
Comments: 2 day growth on coarse beard/sensitive skin. Good shave. Went with the same 1445 cream and balm, love the scent, but the skin reaction/feeling is ok. Again, I feel like I’ll be shifting from cream and balms away all together, just not my cup of tea. Soap and splash works best. Went back to Rapira SS and wow-butterfly smooth and extremely sharp, so sharp that I got carried away with my Taiga OC and got few nicks:) Rapira SS, you don’t feel the blade at all, so smooth-no skin irritation.
Rating: 9.1/10


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Im in...

1)FoolishMortal - SOTM
2) Lurking_Grue - GRUYERE, FFFMM
3) hopper_64 - GRUYERE, FFFMM
4) Multum in parvo
5) Roedeer - 365er
6) Bradworld - Gruyère
8) Guido75
9) tropic
10) La Malice - SOTMC, FFFMM
11) iver- GRUYÈRE
12) cryhavoc - GRUYERE
13) @WThomas0814
14) vladimir1986ca
15) @ChriWilson - SOTM, GRUYERE, FFFMM
16) @sylbub - Gruyère, 365
17) losing
18) BobbyB
19) @Beto Salatini
20) MaineYooper
21) Dromedary
22) Endless007
23) @Mesquite
24) Den Fly
25 Jim in NZ GRUYERE and FFFMM
26) awk_m4
27) FL shaver
Shave #4 with the Swiss Cheese Sentinel

Prep: N/A
Razor: Yaqi Sentinel 90
Blade: GSB (4)
Soap: MWF
Brush: Yaqi Surf
Bowl: Typhoon Watermelon
Post-shave: N/A
Result: BBS in 3 passes, no touch-ups needed.

Before today, the first shave with the Sentinel had been the best. It was new, I was careful to ride the cap, and it glided like a dream. 2nd and 3rd shaves, I steepened the angle a bit, applied more pressure, and ended up with noticeable irritation. I thought GSBs might not be the best blade choice. Today I rode the cap again, used a light touch, and the results were superb. I could barely feel the blade, and this time I couldn't hear it, either. The razor seems to like a very shallow angle. Or at least more shallow than my other razors. I think I'll be able to put it on autopilot after I have a few more shaves under my belt.
Day 4, 12.9% complete

Preshave: Hot washcloth
Lather: Saponificio Varesino Cubebe
Brush: Yaqi 24mm synthetic cashmere
Razor: GC.76 SB, Al Handle, Astra SP #7
Bowl: Turkish copper
Post-shave: Nivea Balm

A 7th mild shave. Easy DFS result, but I'll go back to the 1.05mm baseplate next.


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

iKon Shavecraft Tek
Greencult 1.0
Nacet (3)Abe’s Brush Works G5C
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (3)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score
(Harshly comfortable)


Still in!

I must be barking mad for proceeding with this shave, but here we are. Better results than yesterday with better comfort.

Click here for today‘s notes.

Enjoy your shave today!
Restrain is not easy, having the items sitting in carts for the whole month-definitely a challenge lol 😂 Will see if I can stick with the same 1445 cream & balm for the remainder of March. Tough. 🫨
Delete the carts as a sign to yourself of your intention. What are they gaining you sitting there?

If you want to track the items you are considering to buy someday, why not start a list, on paper or on your phone?

I did fail out of the Feb GRUME, so take my words with a grain of salt. But I didn’t buy any of the many things on my list :c9:
What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)
March 2025 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)🐱 🐶 🦡 🐴 🐷 🐅 🦑 🐠 🐍 🦇 🐊 SOTD “Animal Week” March 3rd to March 9th, 2025 🐱 🐶 🦡 🐴 🐷 🐅 🦑 🐠 🐍 🦇 🐊
RazoRock Lupo Club - The

Hello friends

A slightly milder day. Today, I chose MdC Vetiver, SOC Mistura, Lupo 95 SB with the RazoRock Vintage Thin Bar Handle and continued with the Gillette Nacet (3). An impeccable shave! I finished with the delicious Malizia Uomo and Tom Ford Grey Vetiver.

With us, the amazing Johnny Hodges.

Rating: 10

Have a wonderful day and great shaves!

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