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Jay21's Journey Journal


Not made for these times.
If my memory is serving me correctly, this month marks my 5th anniversary from switching from carts to DE razors. Where does the time go? I was just a lurker here at B & B back then. I don't know why I waited so long to finally join. I'm grateful for all the friendships I've made here. Especially yours. :)

Thank you, Jay.


Collecting wife bonus parts
A few shaving updates...

Yesterday, I shaved with the Merkur 33C. It was a huge disappointment. I haven't shaved with it in ages, so I thought I'd break it out. The prevailing opinion is it is slightly more aggressive than the DE 89 and R89 heads. In my case, it certainly is not. It was very smooth, but the stubble length, even after going ATG, was way too long. It was like I hardly shaved. Bummer.

So far, the winning razor in terms of the combination of closeness and irritation while shaving ATG is the aluminum Lupo. I don't mind the light weight anymore.

I'm pretty stoked about the NOS black handle (no year or date codes given) Super Speed I ordered. I don't want to get too excited until it's actually delivered, because a number of things can happen between now and then. I had been watching eBay for a few weeks with my eye on sealed NOS Super Speeds. Usually, the prices were too high, and they had been creeping up. I found one a few weeks ago for $50, but I thought I'd rest on it for a day or two to decide. When I went looking for it again, it was gone. Dang. However, last night, I went back on eBay and same seller relisted the same razor for $35 (shipping was extra). I couldn't add that to my cart and check out fast enough.
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Collecting wife bonus parts
There’s some real magic in the aluminum Lupo that isn’t in the stainless steel versions. I can’t quite explain why, but it’s real and is leading to some stellar shaves. It’s quickly rising to the top of my favorite list.


Collecting wife bonus parts
At your suggestion, I plan to give my Lupo aluminum another trial.... It might take me a few minutes to adjust to the light weight, but I think I'll be able to manage now.. or I hope I will.. <eg>
I hope the second chance shave goes well, and let me know how it turns out. The aluminum Lupo is really good at telling you the proper angle to drive it. It makes a very loud crunch, that almost turns into a slurp, when it’s optimally mowing down whiskers through a nice lather.


I shaved a fortune
Not me. Did one GRUME. It was successful, but the defiant desire for toys went through the roof
I only did a one month GRUME...... It stoked my RAD something fierce... I haven't stopped buying shaving gear... soaps? Yes...Razors and brushes? No, but I did put myself on a strict budget and that works well. I only have a few additions set for this calendar year... Two for certain... and one or two that are percolating..... ATT S1? or Wolfman Guerilla? I wonder if ATT will have a 25% off Christmas sale like Blackland does.... hmmmm Selah...


Born to häckla
I've never done GRUME.
I can see that with that blade stash.
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