3-4 pass I go for BBS everyday
I usually do 3 passes, WTG, XTG and a mix of XTG/ATG, I get a DFS to BBS every time.
Not the best video as I cut off the top of the head but you get the idea
For me, there's something missing in this number of passes discussion. It's the number if strokes per pass. Usually I don't do just one stroke down all the length of my face but multiple small and overlapping strokes. And based on the video I watched most guys do it the same way. So in reality one pass is more than just one pass.
I learned by watching the videos and reading these threads, and most seem to prefer the short stroke. So in actuality, one pass for me includes multiple strokes over the same area. So I guess my 5 pass shave is really much more than that when you consider the actual contact of the blade on a specific area of the face.
Now I'm really depressed about my technique!
For those doing one XTG pass, do you work ear-to-nose, or nose-to-ear?! If you are doing 2 XTG passes, are you doing one of each, or both the same?