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How many passes?

Find a good combination and two passes are all you need. But I go with three since I still have some foam left on my brush.
I actually have lately been doing just one pass and I know that it doesn't remove all the stubble but it looks that way. Now for a BBS shave I do a four pass, WTG, XTG one way, XTG the other, and finally ATG, BBS. Over the years I havent strived for it much, not because I want to save time but after reading books like "shaving made easy" and the barbers manuals I tried to focus on removing the hair in a systematic way that reduced the time of the shave and the possibility of irritation. In addition, to those reading it seems most men back in the day only did one pass. Also for my skin type a BBS everyday would cause me irritation, Im in the group that shaves every other day.
I usually do 2 passes. A WTG and a cross between XTG and ATG all in one. Although I have been splitting it up into 3 passes lately as I get a better result. It really depends on if I'm in a rush or not. If so then I'll do 2, if not then 3...
I usually do 3 passes, WTG, XTG and a mix of XTG/ATG, I get a DFS to BBS every time.

Not the best video as I cut off the top of the head but you get the idea

Great video Doc. I'm doing it exactly the same way. XTG on my cheeks and ATG on my neck. Nothing but WTG on my chin and upper lip though. I must try this two handed stroke. BTW: Thank you for wearing a T. Watching videos of half naked guys shaving themselves always makes me feel really uncomfortable!
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For me, there's something missing in this number of passes discussion. It's the number if strokes per pass. Usually I don't do just one stroke down all the length of my face but multiple small and overlapping strokes. And based on the video I watched most guys do it the same way. So in reality one pass is more than just one pass.
Everyone's face is different. a trained barber offering straight shaves to a new customer may very well go about it differently than any of us shaving ourselves day after day. we know what works best for us

that said, the few years I've been using a straight razor, what I found works best for me at this stage of the game-

I do a 2 pass shave with touch ups

first pass is north to south on both sides of my face

2nd pass is south to north, both sides of my face, doing one side first then the other

my touch up pass is ATG on the jowels, from the ear to the center of the chin, both sides, and I'm done, BBS, so long as the blade is tuned and the planets are aligned=:) otherwise I touch up wherever is necessary if need be

interesting to hear folks do one pass and call it done. I can't do that. I want BBS or I don't shave. Just the way it is with me. I'm clean shaven or it's no shave for me


Reddick Fla.
For me, there's something missing in this number of passes discussion. It's the number if strokes per pass. Usually I don't do just one stroke down all the length of my face but multiple small and overlapping strokes. And based on the video I watched most guys do it the same way. So in reality one pass is more than just one pass.

About 6 months ago, I started a thread on if a pass is a pass to no great resolution. I stay away from multiple strokes on the same area like I see in some videos.

So for me a pass equals about one stroke on an area.
I learned by watching the videos and reading these threads, and most seem to prefer the short stroke. So in actuality, one pass for me includes multiple strokes over the same area. So I guess my 5 pass shave is really much more than that when you consider the actual contact of the blade on a specific area of the face.

Now I'm really depressed about my technique!
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I learned by watching the videos and reading these threads, and most seem to prefer the short stroke. So in actuality, one pass for me includes multiple strokes over the same area. So I guess my 5 pass shave is really much more than that when you consider the actual contact of the blade on a specific area of the face.

Now I'm really depressed about my technique!

Don't get down about it, it's a learning curve. Ever since I saw Chimensch's video I started doing 5 passes and found it to be a revelation. I can get a smooth shave with 3 passes but found going ATG twice made a big difference.

I've tried this 5 pass shave with a range of different razors all extremely shave ready. I can get 5 passes done in under 10 mins and that's not rushing.

If I'm in a rush, I'll just use Village Barber oil and my DE. 2 passes all done in 2 mins :)
Thanks, jodypress. I've been doing the five pass shave just like Chimensch, but it seemed most everyone else here can get a great shave in just three. I need the five, and it feels great. Glad to know I'm not alone!

My routine takes between 20 and 30 minutes, but that includes face prep, stropping, and cleanup. I'd like to get that number down a bit, but for now, I do enjoy my morning shaves!
I am nearly 500 shaves in and still no BBS although I come damn close every time but try as I may I will always find the odd hair that I could not quite reach. Honestly though, I am not bothered. Nowadays I achieve shaves that are so good that stroking my face, in shear delight, distracts me from work.

I used to do three passes WTG, XTG and ATG but I have slimmed that down to WTG and XTG followed by a touch up pass where I lather a tiny section of my face such as for example one of the side burns and work on it to remove remaining stubble, then I move on to the next trouble spot and so on until I am happy.

If I were you I would not worry too much about the number of passes and time spent shaving because practice makes perfect. In a few months time I would not at all be surprised if you have slimmed your routine to three passes and improved the shave.
It usually takes me three passes and some cleanup. But sometimes more and sometimes less. I would say make as many passes as you need to get a clean shave without irritating your face.
Quote fsturnz says:
I'm only 50 something shaves into using a straight, and with a 3 pass shave, I still have more stubble behind than I like.End Quote]___________________________________ Not sure if you are shaving DE or Straight. If you need three passes DE, change the blade. If you need three passes Straight, you need to get the razor professionally honed. If you can't find anyone to hone it, PM me and I will hone it for free, you pay shipping. Anything to help.
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For those doing one XTG pass, do you work ear-to-nose, or nose-to-ear?! If you are doing 2 XTG passes, are you doing one of each, or both the same?

For those doing one XTG pass, do you work ear-to-nose, or nose-to-ear?! If you are doing 2 XTG passes, are you doing one of each, or both the same?


With safety razors I usually did three passes - WTG, XTG, ATG - and the XTG pass was ear to nose. I'm still learning with the straight but forcthe last few weeks I've been going four passes - WTG, XTG, XTG, ATG - with the first XTG nose to ear and the second ear to nose. I'm consistently getting DFS shaves with little or no irritation this way so I'm pretty happy with the current routine.
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