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Lupo 1.27 SB First Impressions

Lupo 1.27 SB

Finally received this razor today and TBH it was very, very intimidating. I had it for about 6 hours before I grew enough courage to put this meat shaver to the test. Threw in an Astro Superior platinum blade (my blade of choice for testing new razors).

Well mixed up some Stirling "friends to the end" soap and started shaving, from where my sideburns would be if i had them, starting shaving WTG and went down and checked for first pass feel just in a small area. I was pretty shocked to say the least. Got really close, almost a 2nd pass not needed.

So decided to skip the WTG and did the rest of my face only ATG. Except for just a few touch ups in the usual areas, I had a perfectly smooth shave. After a few touch ups was done! no need for WTG or XTG. I think I have found my "Holy Grail" of great shavers so far, enough that I could just keep this one and sell the rest but where's the fun in that?

Before I was done, I was zipping right thru the shave, started off slow but then hit full speed ahead. I got this with the barberpole handle. I didn't like the barbepole handle upon opening the box, it was almost like those mini acupuncture rollers they sell for your face and looked "chrome plated", but after messing with it for a while (guess my skit cells covered up the almost sharp-like positive feel), really like the handle, you cannot slip with this handle!

I still love the game changer .84p but this guy is just a stubble eating monster and he hungry.

I also have the .72 and .95 (i think those are the correct numbers) OC heads I bought on here. So will try those out next.


Dances with Wolfs
At a time when I'm starting to pare down my Arsenal of Shavocracy, I really did not need to read a review like this.
This may help. I am a fan of the Lupo .95 and high gap razors in general. During the holidays I bought the 1.27 SB (before Gruyère started). I found it overly harsh for its given level of efficiency. I have not written it off just yet. I’m on a long road trip and have it with me. I intend to try it with a few different blades to see if I can make it work for me. As always, we all have different faces. So ymmv. I am happy @Blade_Runner37C may have found his grail razor!
It is a great shaver for the quality and value. For 69 bucks, it is an easy add (for me). And yes, I have plenty... This one keeps up with the big expensive boys and still delivers a very efficient, fun, smooth, & safe shave. Do you need it...no...
But do you want it?

Can you have too many tools?
(not mine below - mine are in top secret multi den locations)

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