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How good is Proraso compared to Tabac?

They both lather well and shave well. Lather from Tabac is more protective. Proraso takes more swirls to lather, but it rinses cleaner and easier. Tabac seems more moisturizing to me. I like the menthol in Proraso, but prefer Tabac's scent. Eucalyptus reminds me of Vicks Vaporub, sorry. Tabac is very hard and will last longer. Tabac wins by quite a margin, but if it is very hot day, I will go for Proraso.
eh ymmv
I definitely prefer Tabac for the quality of the lather, the scent.

Proraso is good on the price side but is full of paraben.
Based on a recent safety assessment of parabens concluded that parabens do not, based on current evidence, pose a health risk. Therefore, as far as science is concerned they are safe to use as intended, which are as preservatives in your shaving products.


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Between the two, I pick Proraso any day.

Tabac will give you great lather but I can't stand the scent.

Proraso will give you excellent lather. For the price, I think Proraso is best.

If they would sell tabac for the same price than proraso, I would still pick proraso!
I have and use both, both are excellent although I find myself using Proraso more often. I really like the green tea and aloe.

I really don't know which one I'll use until I open the cabinet to get my shave stuff out. I'll just feel its a Proraso or a Tabac day. Works for me, and the shaves are great using either. :wink2: :001_tongu :w00t:
on a side note. what is the diameter of the puck of tabac? just curious if it fits into your average old spice mug
I have a very sensitive skin and the Proraso does not agree with it at all. I get red blotches and bumps after my shave every single time.

My newly preferred one is KMF unscented. Lathers like a dream and treats my face like a diamond.

Never tried the Tabac.
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