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gillette sensor

All of Gillette's twin-blade cartridges seem to get a fair amount of respect around here. Without actually compiling statistics, I'd say that the Trac II, Atra, and Sensor get more positive notices than negative ones. I haven't tried the Sensor, but I could definitely get by with the Trac II or Atra, preferably the Atra.

Starting with the three blade razors, you get more people saying that Gillette had gone a blade too far, and with the five blade Fusion, you'll see only a few positive comments among all the negatives. The only flaming I've noticed, though, has been directed at the products themselves, not at the few B&Bers who claim to like them.
Ooooo...an Edwin Jagger Sensor handle!! That's the one I would buy if I were going to shave with a Sensor frequently!! EJ is top quality!! :w00t::w00t:

If they made this baby in the horn color instead of just the ivory, I'd probably pop the hundred bucks for it, even though I don't often use the Sensor.:lol:
thanks a ton guys, that ej handle is awesome, i may wind up popping on it, kinda pricey though lol. As far as as the trac ii goes i have a brass handle made by aramis my dad gave me, its an awesome looking handle, but ive never like the trac ii much bc of the thick cartridge...

Check out the Trac II compatible blades made by Dorco and sold at Dollar General stores; they are MUCH thinner than real Trac II cartridges, and a lot less expensive, too.:thumbup1:
All of Gillette's twin-blade cartridges seem to get a fair amount of respect around here. Without actually compiling statistics, I'd say that the Trac II, Atra, and Sensor get more positive notices than negative ones. I haven't tried the Sensor, but I could definitely get by with the Trac II or Atra, preferably the Atra.

Starting with the three blade razors, you get more people saying that Gillette had gone a blade too far, and with the five blade Fusion, you'll see only a few positive comments among all the negatives. The only flaming I've noticed, though, has been directed at the products themselves, not at the few B&Bers who claim to like them.

Sorry, I am going to have to dislike you because of your username.

Nothing good ever comes from playing with Slivovitz. Frankly, the stuff should be outlawed to spare others from waking up in a ditch with a lampshade on their heads.

Sorry, I am going to have to dislike you because of your username.

Nothing good ever comes from playing with Slivovitz. Frankly, the stuff should be outlawed to spare others from waking up in a ditch with a lampshade on their heads.


Actually, the more I get comments on the brandy, the more I think I should have picked a different username. I don't even drink, but it has a certain associations for me.

I should have gone with my second choice, "Williams_is_the_best_soap_ever". Nicely unobtrusive. :thumbup:
I used a Sensor a couple times while travelling this week after being exclusively DE for about 2 1/2 years. Gotta say it was kind of nice to be able to hack and slash away at my face willy-nilly without consequence. Bad angle? Too much pressure? No worries, the pivoting head takes care of everything for you!

That being said, I can't believe that I used to think that a single N-S pass with a Sensor constituted a 'good shave'. Even with my superior prep and knowledge of growth patterns, it took 2 passes to get what I now consider SAS and a third for CCS.
Atras, Contour here, are wonderful razors!! Such as the GII/TracII...Both are still available here....

Sensor is the last twin blades razor made by G', nice too (in my opinion inferior to Trac and Atra...) but the handle can be affected by hard to clean mildew...:tongue_sm
I started using the Sensor when it came out, 1990 or so. I liked it but I always got irritations because I never used a real shaving cream and a brush. Im sure now I would get great results with it.

Sydney Guy

Are you saying your Sensor cartridges fit on your Atra handle? I would find that quite odd, as the method of attachment between an Atra, and Sensor is entirely different.

The Contour is the European version of the Atra as you said.

The main differences between a Atra, and Sensor are an different pivot point (the range of travel on a Sensor should be greater, along with the method of attachment being totally different), along with spring loaded blades (so the blades can float over obstructions on your face, along with following the contours of your face as well).

Well, it's been several years since I've actually used Gillette cartridges so you may be right. The two supermarket chains that dominate the market here haven't stocked Contour blades for several years and I probably just assumed that Gillette had renamed them as the Sensor. I did however spot some Contour cartridges in a pharmacy the other day - $10 for 5! - and they were labelled Gillette Australia, not an import, so it appears they are still around.

I honestly can't recall whether The last G cartridges I used were labelled Contour or Sensor. i had thought Sensor but I may be wrong. I had switched to using Wilkinson Sword cartridges for their Gel (?) razor that fit just fine on the Contour handle, and were jusr as good at 1/2 the price, but WS discontinued them about a year ago.

Apologies if I've given anybody the wrong info.
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