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Found Papou's Vintage Gillette DE Razor!

Ask me !! I am Greek :sleep:

SpEe1113 are you Greek as well ?

I suppose pappous fought for US Army in WWII .My pappous fought the Nazis in WWII here in Greece, and lived to tell about it.

So, cherish this awesome piece of history and pay tribute to your grandfather remembering him every day.

Good day :)

Yup! I'm Greek American (2nd Generation). Papou fought for the US Army in WWII and they had him stationed in Italy for a good portion of the time. Yasou!
The word is Geros,when we went to the today's italy to establish a colony (BC years) some shepherds that we found there the call us "Graious" that means Old
That's why today we call Geros the Old man or Gria the old woman
The Southern italy is Greek heritage, the Magna Crecia
As for the name Graikos it's a known story.
Now for the word Mama, is a Greek also
Comes from the shape of the lay down woman when is time for baby born and the first scream Aaaa of the baby
The ancient Greeks before thousands of years called the woman who just born as "Ma"
From this word comes the today's Mama and from the Greek word Mhthr (Μητηρ-Μητερα) the Mother,Mutter etc.
The word is Geros,when we went to the today's italy to establish a colony (BC years) some shepherds that we found there the call us "Graious" that means Old
That's why today we call Geros the Old man or Gria the old woman
The Southern italy is Greek heritage, the Magna Crecia
As for the name Graikos it's a known story.
Now for the word Mama, is a Greek also
Comes from the shape of the lay down woman when is time for baby born and the first scream Aaaa of the baby
The ancient Greeks before thousands of years called the woman who just born as "Ma"
From this word comes the today's Mama and from the Greek word Mhthr (Μητηρ-Μητερα) the Mother,Mutter etc.

Σας ευχαριστούμε! (From Google Translate -- I hope it's right!)
Θα πρέπει να είναι Έλληνες! Έχω παππούδες μου ξυράφια πάρα πολύ. Γεια σε όλους τους Έλληνες αδελφούς και τις αδελφές μου, στο Βadger and blade !!


You must be Greek !!! I have my grandfathers razors too. Hello to all my Greek brothers and sisters in B&B !!!
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Best regards from Athens.


@ SpEe1113: Be proud for you grandfather (pappou) because the Greek-American soldiers where the bravest
They fought the Germans till November 1944 making sabotage when other "resistance rebels" where preparing to make us "soviet" and never shot a round to the retreated German Army
The American-Greek division was the first division with two flags !


Take a look

Another example.
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