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Time for a DE razor upgrade

I have the .68P and .76P plates. The .76 plate worked best for me with an Astra SP when I was using it as a daily shaver. It shaved quite smoothly with a Feather or a GSB as well, but found those blades were best kept for shaving multiple days of growth with that particular plate. The .68P plate however, I can use daily with a Feather or GSB.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
The Wizamet is a great blade. There are lots of excellent blades out there. Your quest will be finding a great blade for your new razor. That can be a fun journey, with momentary lapses into frustration. I'd start with the Wizamet and maybe you'll hit gold on the first try, but do give a variety of blades a go.

Some people are still Jets fans, so don't be surprised when you read from a Gillette fan - every brand of razor has fans here. There are lots of razors out there, good luck finding the perfect blade for your new razor.
The Wizamet is a great blade. There are lots of excellent blades out there. Your quest will be finding a great blade for your new razor. That can be a fun journey, with momentary lapses into frustration. I'd start with the Wizamet and maybe you'll hit gold on the first try, but do give a variety of blades a go.

Some people are still Jets fans, so don't be surprised when you read from a Gillette fan - every brand of razor has fans here. There are lots of razors out there, good luck finding the perfect blade for your new razor.
The Tech is a great razor and I highly recommend it as a starting point in finding the right razor. But as my tastes change (as well as my beard becoming coarser as it grays), so do my needs in a razor. I'm still sitting on a decent variety of blades to try in the new razor. I am appreciative of all the feedback from everyone.
I love the Gillette tech, if it’s the plastic handle I’m going to assume it’s a post war so in that case it is worth looking at a pre war or English flat bottom. I think the 76 plate is the best for the gamechanger, but it didn’t agree with me and got sold.

Gillette adjustables are great, and so are slants (I like the 37 clone Razorock offers.)
Between DE and SE razors, I own 54. Basic math will tell you that none get used extensively but all get used eventually. I have 60 Polsiver Super Iridium left from a box of 100, big supply of Gillette Nacets and Israeli Personnas. Using up the last of 100 Astra SP and couldn't tell you how many single blades and tucks that I have in various places. It will take me years to use up the SE blades that I have on hand. The only common point on any of these is that I don't regret any of them and can't say there is a bad one in there. On a few occasions I have shelved a razor after a harsh shave only to pick it up months later and really enjoy it. Your Tech is a great razor that will be forgiving and will respond differently with a range of blades. I am of the elderly persuasion and will run out of time before I run out of combinations. If you find the perfect life razor you will be the rare enlightened one. Each razor and blade combination is a chance for a new experience.
I'm with the forum's great philosopher @Quaznoid here - the Tech is the upgrade. Took me a while to get my technique to the point where I can use the vintage Gillettes to their full potential, but now that I do, I rarely use my modern razors anymore. The shaving comfort is just unbeatable.

That said, I do dislke the original Gillette Tech handles. The "fat" one is OK, but not spectacular. The ball end one is, in my subjective opinion, horrible. I suspect that the bakelite handle is somewhere in the middle. Did you try using that Tech with a more substantial modern handle? IMHO it makes a lot of difference. It's an upgrade in its own right.

If you’re looking for a razor that’s similar to the Tech in design but more efficient, take a look at the all stainless EJ 3one6. Great performing razor while still maintaining the classic razor style.
I have new “fancy” SS and Titanium razors and find that my favorite daily driver is a pre-war triangle slot Tech with either the original fat handle or a modern custom handle. Mix this raxor with a top tier sharp blade (German Wilky/Schick, Cloud Bruce Lee, Personna CC, Lord Cool, Dorco ST300) and it is almost impossible to beat.
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