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ETHOS Grooming Essentials

Anyone ever roughly count how many shaves you get from one 4.5oz Ethos F base tub?

Unfortunately I hand out samples from my personal jars so my numbers would be off.

I just know I use a lot less with my 24mm brushes than I do other soaps (except MdC).
I began seriously tracking several months ago but need to get to the end of a jar for a final answer, with actual pour weight accounted for. My rough estimate right now for Ethos is 3 to 3.5 grams per shave, with a natural hair brush in the 28mm range. I tend to load heavier with natural hair brushes. That usage number generally goes down with a synthetic and or smaller brush. I use those per shave estimates, and measured net weight of a soap, to forecast remaining life of a given jar (as well as my whole collection). Like many here, I am in the multiple year range of remaining soap life :)


Wonderful shave with Ethos Lemoncello.

Wanted to tell everyone that the lemon is quite pronounced in it - much stronger than I anticipated but in a good way.

As for the Derma Boost - I won a naming contest for it probably 6-9 months ago so I got the first bottle. Given my sensitive skin - I wanted to try it under 3 conditions.

1.) wet skin alone

2.) in a standard splash (I used Derby Tonic once and just Thayers witch hazel)

3.) in an Ethos Skin Food Splash

Guys it really makes a huge difference for me. 2-3 drops in my splash that is it and wow!!!

As for the Serum - Lemoncello smells so good I could eat it.

Of course the Long Shaving Brush and Paradigm Ti2 made for one of my better shaves in a while, but I am shocked at how much I do like Derma Boost.


The Lather Maestro
I need some guidance from you Etho lovers on how best to lather this base.

So, instructions suggest it is best to not load in the tub/jar for this, Frank doesn't want water to get into it. He included a little scooper in my Dragonsbeard order for scooping some out to put in a lather bowl. He says if you must lather on the soap do it upside down so as not to leave residual water on the soap.

How important is this? I find it to be a bit of a PITA, as I ALWAYS find a sliver of unlathered soap in the sink after cleaning the brush, so it's just being pushed around the lather bowl and not getting on my face. Very irritating. I'm also getting fantastic shaves with this, it is wonderful stuff. Effortless BBS with no discomfort every day. But it is very intolerant of water, the hydration window is super narrow relative to other soaps I use.

How are you other aficionados lathering this? What's the best approach to it? I use a Captain's Choice stoneware bowl and prefer natural brushes, but have synthetics, also. Thanks for any insight you can provide.
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