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DECEMBER Tabula Gratulatoria

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* Jim, wow, what colours!! Great to see you posting again and I hope your holidays were well!

Thank you, Celestino. This has been a wonderful holiday season for me, and I hope it has been for you as well. I'm blaming the lapses in my posting to the holidays, but truth be told, I think it's mostly laziness on my part.

I've really enjoyed the SOTD photos over the past couple of weeks-- the gents certainly stepped it up to close out 2013. And your photos, as always, have been tops. Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year! :thumbup:
Thanks Celestino. It is indeed a new straight razor. A full $6 of Chinese steel and I complain about the scales :lol:

Nice picture from you as usual. I now see that my suspicion that the black jar was the C&S black anodised jar. They look awesome - how was the soap?

* Thanks, Keith. I never even tried the soap. I sold it right away! I knew it wasn't going to be for me! :blush:

Thank you, Celestino. This has been a wonderful holiday season for me, and I hope it has been for you as well. I'm blaming the lapses in my posting to the holidays, but truth be told, I think it's mostly laziness on my part.

I've really enjoyed the SOTD photos over the past couple of weeks-- the gents certainly stepped it up to close out 2013. And your photos, as always, have been tops. Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year! :thumbup:

* Thanks, Jim. Great to hear things are well!

Thanks! The shave was not as close as my DE and there was a little irritation, but it was my first time with a straight so that would be expected.

Your photo was beautiful as always!

* Thank, John and good luck with the straight! :biggrin1:
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