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DECEMBER Tabula Gratulatoria

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* Ravi, great pic of that lovely brush. How are you enjoying it?

Thank you, Celestino!

I'm enjoying the P8 brush immensely ... the Best badger knot provides decent scrub without scritch, and the medium density of the knot allows for effortless flow-through. As much as I like my 2-band M&Fs, this brush is a nice change of pace for me ... :biggrin1:


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
* Doug, fantastic shot! I am surprised you don't have a Weber PH.

Thanks for the compliment. As far as the Weber head, I'm surprised I don't have one -- I've got no stainless heads at all. I was lucky enough to try a DLC head once when a generous member let me test one for a week -- gentle and mild. But I'm currently quite satisfied with my Merkur heads.

Loved your Christmas pics, Celestino. Great pics all around from everyone this week!
Although I enjoy trying out many different soaps, Mystic Water and Mike's are my go to soaps. Sandalwood Rose, Mysore Sandalwood, and Sardinian Honey are my favorite scents, but today's Orange Spice Tea was very nice. The shave with the Jet was much smoother this morning using Mystic Water.

* Richard, you have great taste in soaps, my friend! :biggrin1:
Thanks for the compliment. As far as the Weber head, I'm surprised I don't have one -- I've got no stainless heads at all. I was lucky enough to try a DLC head once when a generous member let me test one for a week -- gentle and mild. But I'm currently quite satisfied with my Merkur heads.

Loved your Christmas pics, Celestino. Great pics all around from everyone this week!

* Thanks for your kind words, Doug!
* Mike, great pic to start off the week!

* Pablo, wonderful photo, amigo!

* Ravi, excellent!

* Mike (Hoosier), great pic!

* Richard, beautiful photo!

* Daniele, wonderful pic, amico!

* Aia, fantastic composition!

* Arturo, wonderful!

* Soren, excellent set-up and I like the new avatar pic! :thumbup:

* Tallapoc, very nice!

* Bob, lovely!

* Matt, great shot!

* Foyle, wonderful pic!

* ram57, lovely set-up!

* Murray, very nice!

* Keith, wonderful!

* Todd, lovely!

* Doug, great photo!

* Brad, very nice!

* Radisorder, great scuttle shot!

* Pierpaolo, lovely, amico!

* Julien, jolie photo!

* Bad Robot, very nice pic and welcome to the SOTD!

* tdmsu, lovely pic!
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Thanks Celestino.

Loveley picture from you today. That black dish looks great - is it just a prop or are you keeping the Mystic Water soap in it?
Thank you, Celestino.

Nice 'Darth Vader' look to your SOTD today ... :lol:

* Thanks, Ravi!

Thanks Celestino.

Loveley picture from you today. That black dish looks great - is it just a prop or are you keeping the Mystic Water soap in it?

* Keith, I guess the proper answer should be, yes, I am keeping my Mystic Water soaps in there. However, since I use shave-sticks almost exclusively, I use it to enhances my pics. :blush:
* Soren, excellent set-up and I like the new avatar pic! :thumbup:

Thank you.

Yeah, the avatar :biggrin1:
We have a phrase in Danish that translated sounds something like: "We only have the fun we make ourselves." - and it is one thing to laugh at or with others, but if one can't have a laugh at own expense it is not looking good.
I try to have as much fun as possible without being completely silly. I don't always succeed, but at least I try :wink:

Nice 'Darth Vader' look to your SOTD today ... :lol:

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Well, Soren, you look great! Also, thank you for your kind words, but you have a different Darth Vader than we do. :lol:
Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Crabtree & Evelin West Indian Lime
Brush: Simpson Milk Churn
Razor: Gillette Tuckaway
Blade : Polsolver Super Iridium (1)
Post: Cold Water and Alum Block
AS: Myrsol Agua De Limon


Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Martin De Candre Fougere
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 in Super
Razor: Gillette Fat Boy
Blade : Polsolver Super Iridium (2)
Post: Cold Water and Alum Block
AS: Myrsol Agua Balsamica


Two outstanding pics, Daniele! :thumbup1:

SOTD 2013.12.30

Pre: Glenova Aloe Vera Cream (TNX2Ares)
Lather: Seigenglatt Easter Island Soap
Brush: Semogue 2013 LE Barbear Classico 22x50x100mm
Method: Face Lathering with Brush Scuttle
Razor: Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power
Blade: Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Multi-5 (59: WTG/XTGN/ATG)
Post: HGA Alum Lotion by Dr IschiaPP
Frag: BV Uomo Pepe Nero EDT Vapo

Sorry4pic: Watch on your own risk! ;D - Link FULL SIZE 1800x1100px - Link Comments


"Vieni qua che ti faccio vedere
dov'è il nostro pezzo di mondo.
Portati dietro un sorriso e un sospiro:
li userai."



Man, two months with the same razor. I envy on your stamina! :scared::001_cool:
* Daniele, bellissima foto, amico!

* Richard, fantastic pic!

* Matjaz, excellent photo, my friend!

* Soren, another classy set-up!

* Aia, beautiful foto, amico!

* Ravi, great pic!

* Pierpaolo, lovely picture, amico! I love the background! Soon you will be moving outdoors! :biggrin1:

* John, very nice and how was the straight?!

* razorguy, lovely!

* Doug, sweet colours!

* Jim, wow, what colours!! Great to see you posting again and I hope your holidays were well!

* Mike (Hoosier), wonderful picture!

* ram57, very nice photo!

* Keith, lovely! Is that the new straight?

* slr31, very nice!

* Murray, lovely!

* Radisorder, wonderful pic!

* Kevin, very nice!

* korgscrew, lovely photo! Welcome to the forum and the SOTD!

* Carlos, great pic, amigo!

* Cash_Stronomer, very nice!

* Jorge, great pic and lovely razor handle! Welcome to the SOTD!
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* Keith, lovely! Is that the new straight?

Thanks Celestino. It is indeed a new straight razor. A full $6 of Chinese steel and I complain about the scales :lol:

Nice picture from you as usual. I now see that my suspicion that the black jar was the C&S black anodised jar. They look awesome - how was the soap?
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