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DECEMBER Tabula Gratulatoria

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* Soren, another classy and elegant photo, my friend! I hope your holidays are going well!

* Mike (Hoosier), wonderful pic!

* Aia, superb picture, amico mio!

* Bob, lovely!

* razorguy, very nice!

* Arturo, hermosa foto, companero!

* Pierpaolo, great pic, amico! How are you enjoying the Bay Rum? Is the lather getting better? Have you tried using it as a shave-stick? :biggrin1:

* Ravi, beautiful photo! The colour/tone is wonderful!

* lindayhop, lovely!

* Doug, another outdoor pic! Fantastic! How was the wood-chopping? :biggrin1:

* Richard, fantastic outdoor photo!

* ram57, very nice picture! That is a lovely brush handle! Is it an Oscar11?

* Gissy, lovely photo!

* whiteMike, great pic and welcome to the SOTD! Good to see another Canadian posting pics! Beautiful Iwasaki! Is it the 50mm?

* Brad, very nice photo!

* Murray, great set-up!

* Kevin, nice looking photo!

* Matjaz, great pic!

* Daniele, bellissima, amico, and a straight razor! :thumbup:

* Mel, wonderful photo, and I hope you and doing well, my friend!
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Daniele, Your Christmas photos have been outstanding. I really enjoyed the one on Christmas day--a great display of Christmas spirit.

Doug--I look forward to your photos daily. Your use of light and color are always outstanding.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Doug--I look forward to your photos daily. Your use of light and color are always outstanding.

Thanks, that means a lot. I enjoy your shots too, and the fine kit you show.
I need to use light and color, that's all I have to make up for my cheapo camera.
Thanks, that means a lot. I enjoy your shots too, and the fine kit you show.
I need to use light and color, that's all I have to make up for my cheapo camera.
That just goes to show that it's not the camera. I always hate it when someone views one of my photographs and asks, "What kind of camera do you have?", and I'm tempted to say that it was shot with my cell phone.
* Ravi, another excellent pic!

* Daniele, beautiful photo, amico!

* Soren, fantastic set-up! I see you are enjoying your straights, more and more! :biggrin1:

* Murray, wonderful pic!

* Pierpaolo, lovely, amico!

* Foyle. great pic!

* Doug, wonderful photo!

* Mike (Hoosier), very nice!

* Thorsten, great set-up!

* lindyhop, lovely!

* ram57, wonderful photo and brush handle!

* Matt, excellent pic!

* Richard, fantastic photo! Are you enjoying the Muhle Jet? I didn't like mine at all compared to my Weber DLC! :blush:

* Trace72, very nice!

* whitemike, great pic and that is a lovely brush!

* Keith, wonderful photo!

* Andres, hermosa foto, amigo! Espero que estas bien!

* Todd, lovely!

* Tallapoc, very nice!
* Richard, fantastic photo! Are you enjoying the Muhle Jet? I didn't like mine at all compared to my Weber DLC! :blush:

Since I've never had the privilege of shaving with a Weber DLC, I don't have anything to compare it to. It's also the first Muhle that I've shaved with. I've only had one go at it. I was surprised that I actually liked the handle and it's lack of slipperiness. The shave was certainly on the mild side, but not as comfortable as one of my Gillette adjustables set on 3, or my Feather AS-D2. I also didn't get as close of a shave after my usual two passes as I've been getting with my ATT M2 OC, which is more aggressive than all of the above but which I've been getting very smooth shaves from. It looks cool, especially since I don't have a Weber. I guess I could get a UFO handle for it and pretend?
* Richard, fantastic photo! Are you enjoying the Muhle Jet? I didn't like mine at all compared to my Weber DLC! :blush:

Since I've never had the privilege of shaving with a Weber DLC, I don't have anything to compare it to. It's also the first Muhle that I've shaved with. I've only had one go at it. I was surprised that I actually liked the handle and it's lack of slipperiness. The shave was certainly on the mild side, but not as comfortable as one of my Gillette adjustables set on 3, or my Feather AS-D2. I also didn't get as close of a shave after my usual two passes as I've been getting with my ATT M2 OC, which is more aggressive than all of the above but which I've been getting very smooth shaves from. It looks cool, especially since I don't have a Weber. I guess I could get a UFO handle for it and pretend?

* Richard, well, it does look cool, but if it isn't shaving you as well as you would like, I wouldn't recommend keeping it. I plan on letting mine go very soon.
You might as well just get one of the Weber PH razors as that one might come close to your ATT OC. :biggrin1:

Thanks Celestino.

I really enjoyed your pictures over the last few days. The little crystal deer ornament you used was great!

* Thank you, Keith! I couldn't resist that crystal Rudolph! :blush:
* Soren, fantastic set-up! I see you are enjoying your straights, more and more! :biggrin1:

Thank you very much.

I have always loved my straights, but as a B-person (does the expression exist in English too?) I move slowly in the morning and don't have the time for it on normal work days - shaving with a DE is faster.
But as I'm having a good long holiday, I have plenty of time to indulge myself with the straights :biggrin1:
Thank you very much.

I have always loved my straights, but as a B-person (does the expression exist in English too?) I move slowly in the morning and don't have the time for it on normal work days - shaving with a DE is faster.
But as I'm having a good long holiday, I have plenty of time to indulge myself with the straights :biggrin1:

* Good to know, Soren! However, I don't think I have ever heard of the term, B-person. :biggrin1:
* Good to know, Soren! However, I don't think I have ever heard of the term, B-person. :biggrin1:

I thought so.

An A-person is a person who prefers to get into bed early and get out of bed early.
A B-person is a person who prefer to go to bed late at night and get out of bed later in the day (for me; I prefer to go to bed at 2-3 AM and get out of bed 10-11 AM).

Recent studies has shown that A-persons has a genetic flaw that shifts their internal clock up to four hours.
Studies has also shown that while A-persons are very active and energetic from the get go, they run out of energy faster than B-persons, who can keep up for longer periods but take longer to get going.
I think I'm an A-B person, preferring to go to bed late and get up early, energetic from the get go, and like the energizer bunny, I keep on going. There are just too many interesting things to do in the world to waste your time sleeping.
Celestino, thank you for the kind words regarding my SOTD pics!

As always, wonderful photos from you and everyone else here this week. :thumbup:
I thought so.

An A-person is a person who prefers to get into bed early and get out of bed early.
A B-person is a person who prefer to go to bed late at night and get out of bed later in the day (for me; I prefer to go to bed at 2-3 AM and get out of bed 10-11 AM).

Recent studies has shown that A-persons has a genetic flaw that shifts their internal clock up to four hours.
Studies has also shown that while A-persons are very active and energetic from the get go, they run out of energy faster than B-persons, who can keep up for longer periods but take longer to get going.

* Soren, thanks for the update on the terms. I think we call the A-person an 'early-riser' and the B-person a 'night-owl'. :biggrin1:
I am not sure what I am. If I didn't have to work, then I would be cyclical/seasonal person as I would follow the daylight hours; early to bed in winter and later to bed in summer. :lol:
* Ravi, great pic of that lovely brush. How are you enjoying it?

* Aaron, lovely photo!

* Daniele, wonderful picture, amico!

* Rick, great pic and that brush handle looks sweet!

* Soren, excellent photo and those scales looks beautiful!

* MIke (Hoosier), wonderful pic!

* razorguy, great pic!

* Pierpaolo, very nice, amico!

* Doug, fantastic shot! I am surprised you don't have a Weber PH.

* Matt, wonderful photo!

* Murray, great shot!

* Richard, excellent photo! How are you enjoying Mystic Water?

* lindyhop, very nice!

* Stuart, lovely photo!

* Radisorder, very nice and welcome to the SOTD!

* ram57, wonderful picture!

* Kevin, great pic and that Aristocrat looks sweet!

* normdugas, lovely photo and welcome to the SOTD! Great to see another Canadian here!
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* Richard, excellent photo! How are you enjoying Mystic Water?

Although I enjoy trying out many different soaps, Mystic Water and Mike's are my go to soaps. Sandalwood Rose, Mysore Sandalwood, and Sardinian Honey are my favorite scents, but today's Orange Spice Tea was very nice. The shave with the Jet was much smoother this morning using Mystic Water.
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