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Australian Traveling Box No.6!

Mark, yep thanks those were the samples I was referring to. Some of them are definitely on my shopping list now.


Futur w. feather
Semogue boar
SIM shave stick
Osage Rub

So the beard has (partially) gone now thanks to the mighty feather blade! I was intending to try out some of the lesser publicised products in the box (Lush shaving cream, is on board next) however with three weeks growth to mow down, I was sticking with what I knew.

I've said it before, it is such a shave SIM has been discontinued. Cutting off a sliver and rubbing it directly on my beard it burst into a pre-lather that was brought into full effect by the Semogue. Nothing like a scrubby boar to really bring out a lather.

The futur and feather is a combo I have always had success with and there were no issues here. two quick passes followed up by the gut-punch of osage rub was a great way to start the day.
Glad I picked up a stick of SIM from somebody recently!

Nice review - would be better with pics though of the half mown beard :)
Mark, no mug shots of the beard yet. I may put some up for a laugh at the end tho :lol:


Futur with Derby
Lush shave cream
Tet a tet aftershave

This shave was a bit more haphazard than the last. Lush shave cream I am assuming is not meant to be used with a brush, so I just applied it to my face as I would any other supermarket-type cream. I'm not surprised to say that it was pretty substandard compared to what we are used to. I tried to rub the cream around my stubble a bit to 'loosen' it up a bit, but it was still so thick that even the futur was struggling with clogging. I can only imagine what would happen if I used a Mach 3, or whatever they are up to now. Perhaps it was my fault and I used too much, but I doubt it. Life is too short to use Lush shave cream daily.

Finished up with the Tet a tet (I think) splash. I had to wait for my wife to leave for work before I tried this as she hates 'old man' (her words :lol:) scents, and this one has it in spades. Nice mild burn when it goes on and what I would describe as a powdery scent, which most people seem to enjoy. Personally I prefer something fresher, so I think I'll not be saving my pennies for Tet a tet.

Next up I'm thinking Waleda shave cream, with a random aftershave...

Futur with Derby
Simpsons Duke 2
C&E Sienna
Woods of Windsor aftershave??

I've got a puck of C&E Sienna, so I broke that one out rather than use the one in the traveling box. It has a nice scent and I really wanted to like this soap, as it is so easily available. Lathering up off the puck the duke was having no trouble (I'd softened the puck while I was in the shower), but by the time the lather reached my face it was starting to dry out. I was in a rush, so I didnt bother retrying, so I may revisit this later, but I cant say it was a good shave.

Finished up with what I think may be Woods of Windsor cologne. Whatever it was, it was pretty darn good. I slapped on some nivea balm and followed up with WoW, great recovery for an otherwise mediocre shave. I think I've figured out which sample is english leather, so Im looking forward to giving that a go tomorrow.

Feather portable with Med Prep
Omega bambino mixed badger/boar
Hassingler (spelling?)
Speick splash

Im back to traveling for work so I packed a quick travel kit and have left the remained of the box hiding under the bed (never told my wife about it - not even sure how I'd explain the concept :lol:).

I also packed a mennen shave stick, but I snuck Hassingler in there, so clearly that is what Im going to pounce on first! I spend a bit of coin on this shaving caper, but my budget is very much down the budget end of the spectrum. I typically use the barbershop/drug store type of products - arko, proraso, and whatever I can get my hands on at a good price. I've read a lot about Hassingler on the forums, but I've never had the spare cash to spring for some, this a luxury for me.

With high expectations, I loaded up the feather portable (great razor btw, shame you can't get them anymore) with a personna med prep. this is my go to travel setup and allowed me to focus solely on the soap. I scraped off a sliver of Hasslinger and mushed it into the hotel coffee cup. MDC was a bit of a weird consistency, almost like wax or pasted rather than a straight soap or cream. Either way the Omega bambino lathered it into perfection.

This shave was good. Nice slick lather, no overpowering scent and my skin still felt moisturized after I cleaned up. Quick splash of Speick seemed to compliment it perfectly. If Im honest, I doubt I'll be in a position to drop the cash on a new soap anytime soon, but my god this was a good soap. Easily up there with MWF and I'd tentatively say above Irish Moos. Whoever was the generous soul who dropped that baby in the traveling box, thank you and well done!
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Feather portable with Shark
Simpsons Duke 2
Weleda shaving cream
Masters splash

Final shave from the box for me was with Waleda shaving cream. I think this was part of the generous contribution from David (DJH) and certainly something I had never heard of before. I smeared some cream directly on my stubble and got a perfectly fine lather easily with the Duke 2. The scent is interesting, and I can't really place it. Sort of a herbal sandalwood? Someone with a better nose than me, may be able to provide some guidance there :lol: No idea where this product sits price wise, but I'd be comfortable paying around $10 for it.

Finished off with a splash of Masters aftershave. I got this when I was in the Philippines, and I think it is marketed as a toner-type product rather than an aftershave. It does the job though, with a nice hit of menthol. I'd compare it to Skin bracer cooling blue, with a less powdery, more aquatic scent that fades quickly. At $2 for 100ml, I love this stuff.

And that should bring this round to a gentle end. I've got a number of personal and professional things coming up over the next few months, but I'll do my best to keep an eye on interest, and lend a hand if people are still interested in another round.

Big thanks to everyone who contributed here, it is much appreciated. Hope that everyone enjoyed this round, I know I did.
Is that everyone? Can't believe we've followed it this long.

Can we have a photo of what's left in the box...?

Been a great experience.
Mark, thanks mate should be a fun few months!

Paul, I think a few posts back (post 278) I uploaded the unboxed pics of what is left. It's pretty sizeable.

One issue that seems to be an ongoing trend with the box is that it always grows and by the time it returns it has almost doubled in weight. Still haven't worked out a way to fix this, so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. Nice problem to have though :lol:
Yeah I have an idea, let me take/buy the vostok. I want it so bad. Please please please
That will also lighten the weight haha
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