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The Great Canadian Pass Around Box 6 (Signup + the round) CTB6


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I tried the Terre D'Hermes aftershave lotion yesterday. What a nice product. It feels high-end compared to my drugstore aftershave. Don't get me wrong, it won't replace the drugstore aftershave. It's a nice clean scent that is not heavy on the Cologne side.

In other news, I was going to try the other two RazoRock brushes (black handles) but honestly lost interest since I picked up the Vie-Long brush. I was not able to put it down since I tried it.

I still need to try the Mont Blanc Emblem and revisit the Musgo Real shaving cream. It was a top-notch shaving cream the last time I tried it.

I eventually need to give the Tiger blades a go that Andrew provided. I am reluctant to do so after all the negative reviews on B&B. I might add a few blades too but will keep those secrets for now. It's going something that I consider sharper than Tiger (that's pretty much anything right?).

So, what's next after this?

I will hold on to starting a new round for now. It's a bit too cold outside anyway so I rather wait until we reach springtime! I should have enough time to re-organize the box and maybe decant a few bottles. I have 1 empty bottle of Tabasco to create a new decant but will likely decant something that's already in the box to save weight and room.

So far, it's been a great journey and I enjoy the pass-arounds that were done!
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