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I usually strive for BBS, but will try out a DFS/SAS shave with two quick passes.

I guess that puts me in the age group that doesn't feel like the stubbly look works for them.

Age is perhaps an unfair simplification.

For instance, I also think blondes tend to sport shadow less, as the requisite length can end up looking more like poor grooming than fashionable indifference.

Not to get over-scientific and try to think of all the factors but I'm betting there are plenty more.

A) I absolutely HATE the so-called 5 o'clock shadow.

B) I think stubble looks stupid, not cool.

YMMV, obviously. But this is how I feel.

I'm with you completely on this one, buddy. When I see this it tells me the person has something to prove.
I don't shoot for the "cool stubble" look but I usually stop well short of BBS as a way of avoiding ingrown hairs/razor bumps. One WTG pass is good enough for a professional appearance at work.
I don't shoot for the "cool stubble" look but I usually stop well short of BBS as a way of avoiding ingrown hairs/razor bumps. One WTG pass is good enough for a professional appearance at work.

maj_planb, AWESOME avatar! Predator is my favorite movie of all time. I can't believe I never thought of putting that screen shot as my avatar. Wow, good job man
Too late, release the hounds !.

Wassa matter wid you, trying to make the cover of People magazine? :lol:
Deliberate stubble is major fail.

I wouldn't say that I have 'pull with the fingers' length stubble. After shaving I am smooth to the WTG touch and rough when felt ATG. DFS or SAS?
I think the shadow look was even bigger 20-25 years ago (George Michael, for instance) I think it's the youth of any day.

The scruffy look wasn't always a youthful thing I don't think. This is such a depressing thread! Am I really that 56 year old old?

Don't need a cane yet, sonny. But, don't store it away either.
Deliberate stubble is major fail.

+1. This is what I was saying.

Don't get me wrong. I don't shoot for BBS every day. In fact, I've settled into CCS-DFS territory on a daily basis as my goal. Even so, I've managed to push my 5 o'clock shadow back by about 2 or 3 hours, which I prefer.

There may be an age thing with regard to whether the stubble look is considered cool or dorky. I'm a relatively old fart (51 years) and my stubble is now half gray, which makes it even worse (IMO).

And by the way, I don't care what kind of look you sport. I don't care if you go for the Sonny Crockett look on a daily basis (that's a Miami Vice reference; it may be a bit before your time). Do what makes you happy. It's just that you asked for opinions, and I gave you mine. Sorry if I gave it a little too strongly.
Sorry if I gave it a little too strongly.

No, no. The thread is all in fun, and I accept that people all have different levels of shave acceptability.

What are all of your baselines for stubble. Are we talking just above the skin, or Hugh Laurie? I get just above the skin stubble all day from my WTG shave.
I'm still brand new to Wetshaving, so I try to get my face as absolutely smooth as possible! At this point, it's a big challenge for me, so I just have fun :w00t:
Does anyone else never go for a BBS? It's not that I can't do it, but rather I simply look foolish with a BBS shave. I'm 27, so I'm probably in the stubble looks cool category, but I look full-on ridiculous with BBS.

What I've found though since transitioning from electrics (and part of the reason I love DE wet shaving) is that I can do one WTG pass with touchups and have that perfect 5 o'clock shadow everyday.

Anyone else with me?

Absolutely. This is exactly what i do, a BBS for me would firstly be impossible due to my sensitive neck but also makes me feel raw and naked. Literally.
1-2 pass WTG and i'm good to go while still having a bit of rough.
Yes, but not for the same reason. I usually go for a DFS using a two pass approach, sometimes 3. If I add another pass and touchup in the quest for a BBS, I usually end up with more irritation than it's worth.

Same here. I get a DFS with a two-pass shave.

I'll go for a three pass shave for social events so that I look my very best.

Other than that a two pass DFS is good enough for daily life.
My face always shows some shadow no matter how smooth I get it. Do many others have this? I've been wondering about this for some time. At least with DE shaving doing a light shave is doable on my face. I was never able to do a light shave with cartridges without feeling itchy all day.


I noticed this more when I started with a DE than when I was shaving with a cartridge. Could have a BBS but still see the shadow. May have to do with the fact that there was less pulling and cutting beneath the skin but that goes to Fusion/Mach 3 theory more than reality maybe. Anyway, I don't mind the look and know full well that if put to the test my shave would get a solid score from SWMBO.
I like BBS, but lately I've been stopping at the XTG pass. Having a coarse black beard, you can still see my beard even if I am BBS. It just means less burning when I splash on AV Blue Ice afterward.
Yes, but not for the same reason. I usually go for a DFS using a two pass approach, sometimes 3. If I add another pass and touchup in the quest for a BBS, I usually end up with more irritation than it's worth.

Same here.

I gave up bbs as an objective a long time ago. Two passes with my straight will give me bbs almost everywhere, to get bbs under my jawline takes another pass and I can almost never be bothered. You don't need bbs every day.
"When I was your age, we used to shave in the snow! Up hill! And we liked it!" :biggrin1:

I always go for BBS if I have the time (usually three passes plus a touch up). Occasionally I have to shave in a major rush and only for a single WTG pass, but it's never intentional.

On a side note, is there a key somewhere for all the acronyms you guys use? I swear it's like a federal agency convention in here sometimes, with all your CSI's and NCIS's and FBI's and what not. :001_smile

I figured out WTG, XTG, ATG, and BBS. The rest are lost on me.
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