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When do use the Alum block during a shave?

I was wondering at what point in your shave do you use An Alum Block?
Also is the alum the same as the deodorant crystals and are they interchangeable.
fcohio1 said:
I was wondering at what point in your shave do you use An Alum Block?
Also is the alum the same as the deodorant crystals and are they interchangeable.

Like many others here, I use my alum block as a part of my aftershave routine... I use it after a cold water rinse but before I apply WH (if I use WH - and I usually do)...

I don't know if it is the same as the deoderant crystals, but I've heard some people suggest that it is. Perhaps somebody else can help more...
The "crystal" deodorants I've seen are ammonium alum, which i *think* is identical to the "Alum" blocks available for shaving. I have both and they appear identical except for the shape.
Same as NMMB: after cold water rinse (with face still wet) and before the aftershave. Great way to finish up a shave, and I learned about it here.
One thing that I've noticed with alum blocks that I don't think I've heard mentioned here is that (in my experience) it is important to apply the alum with the grain. We've all heard of somebody that will gripe about how much alum stings (and it does sting, a little), but I learned very quickly that it doesn't sting much (if at all) when applied with the grain (after a good shave, of course - after a bad shave it will certainly sting a little more).

Now, I don't expect that this will start a with-the-grain vs against-the-grain debate as it does for shaving (where some swear by against the grain passes and some would swear that against the grain passes are only for fools and masochists)... but you never know what people will think... any thoughts, gentlement?
NMMB said:
One thing that I've noticed with alum blocks that I don't think I've heard mentioned here is that (in my experience) it is important to apply the alum with the grain. We've all heard of somebody that will gripe about how much alum stings (and it does sting, a little), but I learned very quickly that it doesn't sting much (if at all) when applied with the grain (after a good shave, of course - after a bad shave it will certainly sting a little more).

Now, I don't expect that this will start a with-the-grain vs against-the-grain debate as it does for shaving (where some swear by against the grain passes and some would swear that against the grain passes are only for fools and masochists)... but you never know what people will think... any thoughts, gentlement?

I rub it all over in multiple directions and even in circles... to be honest, I'm not too particular about the way that I apply it.
fcohio1 said:
I was wondering at what point in your shave do you use An Alum Block?
Also is the alum the same as the deodorant crystals and are they interchangeable.

You can use an Alum block at any time during your shave, if you notice some irritation after a pass, or make a cut, apply the alum. I rarely have these problems when shaving, but if I use the alum right away its usually 90%+ cleared up by the time I'm done with the shave.
I'm not loosing any of the effect of the block if I rinse my face off after using it am I? I got mine on Saturday and was not sure if leaving the stuff on would inhibit the skin food in any way.
I rub the alum block around on my freshly rinsed shaved face in every direction. Then putter around, emptying out the Moss Scuttle, washing my brush out, etc. At that point I dry my face (not rinsing it again, but I suppose it wouldn't matter) and apply aftershave. Works for me, YMMV
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