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Love this site, have a few questions

Im a newbie and have a few questions,

Do you guys use both hands to shave with a straight razor, or can you do a good job with one hand.

Ive got a mole right in the middle of my cheek. Cut into it pretty good today. (shaving with my weak hand) I think its going to be a continous problem because of where it is. What do you guys think I should do? Or how do you work around it.

I tried Taylor of Old Bond soap and absoulutely loved the way my face felt and the smell wasnt bad. Today i used Mitchells Wool Fat, definetely more razor burn than Taylor's, and face doesnt feel as refreshed or smell as good. Question is what recomendations would you have for a soap that has a more masquline type of smell. Or do you guys use an after shave to get a lasting scent. (Ive been to the other threads and have couple of other soaps on order e.g. Razor Rock xxx). Not really into colognes, I live out in the sticks and i doubt the rabbits and muleys would get much from a cologne.

thanks, and love you guys website,
I can answer some of these questions. I've experimented with using my non-dominant hand for straight razor shaving and come to the conclusion that I am a one-handed shaver. You'll find both two-handed and one-handed SR shavers on this forum though, and I can see where learning to do it two-handed would be advantageous. You have to get creative and stretch differently on different sides of your face when using only your dominant hand. Taylor of old bond Street is hands-down my favorite soap; I would pair it with a strong AS (I use AOS Sandalwood most of the time.) Good luck.
Hey, Whiskey. I agree with you that TOBS creams / soaps are among the best out there. For ten years, I've used nearly formulation they offer, as well as Geo. F. Trumper's line, and, of course, an old standby -- Proraso green. I've been consistently pleased with Taylor of Old Bond St, which offers, IMO, a great product for a fair price point. Rose and Almond are actually my favorite formulations from a performance standpoint; however, I wish both smelled more masculine (the Almond is a gourmand scent). If you haven't already, I'd suggest trying the TOBS Sandalwood. It's very nice all around, and has a "classic" scent during lather. None of the scents hang around on me after rinsing, though. I also religiously use an aftershave from Portland General Store called "Whiskey," which you might like -- it's very light and has a warm "bay rum infused with Jim Beam" note that smells great (to my nose).
thks guys, I ordered a bottle of Portland "whiskey". Was reading the reviews on it and most agree that it has a masquline smell to it. We'll see if it passes the wife test.

Welcome to B&B

Drop into the Shave Wiki and read over some of the shaving articles. http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/ You will find a LOT of useful info in there.

If you have not already done so, stop into the Hall of Fame and tell everyone a little about yourself



Rest in Peace
Welcome; There is a YouTube video by our own Joel titled: "Straight Razor Shaving with an Extra Hollow Ground Kron-Punkt" that will be helpful to you.
Welcome to the forum!

When I use straights, I prefer to use both hands, but if you should do what feels the most comfortable for you. Good luck.
Ive got a mole right in the middle of my cheek. Cut into it pretty good today. (shaving with my weak hand) I think its going to be a continous problem because of where it is. What do you guys think I should do? Or how do you work around it.

So far, nobody seems to want to touch this subject. I understand that! I would have it removed, if you can. Most likely, it will continue to be a problem. A little slice here, a little there. You may be increasing your likelihood of getting in infected by slicing it every once in a while.

Plus, once it's gone, you don't have to worry about it any more and you are free to STRAIGHT AWAY..........

Just my 2 cents.

So far, nobody seems to want to touch this subject. I understand that! I would have it removed, if you can. Most likely, it will continue to be a problem. A little slice here, a little there. You may be increasing your likelihood of getting in infected by slicing it every once in a while.

Plus, once it's gone, you don't have to worry about it any more and you are free to STRAIGHT AWAY..........

Just my 2 cents.

I agree, get it removed if possible. Or use a mild Gillette Tech razor and use no pressure.
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