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Don't weep, paper is there.

Hello everyone!

Even if some are more experienced than other, we ALL make our face bleed at some point.
The quick fix for this it the styptic pen and a bit of toilett paper, right?

Well, it might not be a very good option, as this paper tends to stick and leave bits behind.
I was taught a very good trick by my grandpa : cigarette paper.
He always had a pack in the bathroom drawer, even thouh he never smoked.
it's brilliant! Small, cheap, very packable, quite absorbant and peels of neatly, leaving no fluff and fibers behind. And personally, i find it more hygenic than a roll of toilett paper hanging outside, picking dust and god knows what else.
Hop! My 2 cents
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I don't think rolling paper is any more absorbent than regular paper is. That said, it's an interesting notion.
No need for toilet paper or anything else if you have a styptic pencil. If you're still bleeding after styptic application, you probably need stitches.
Speaking of styptic pencils. They should make styptic paper.
Also average human bleeding time is a minute and a half, so if you do get a big one (and can be bothered taking the time) get a finger (or two) and put heavy pressure on it for about that long. If it bleeds after that it'll either be very light bleeding, or you'll need stitches.
Personally although I've never done it on myself never mind my face; learning to suture shut small wounds should be taught in (secondary/high) schools and is something I've learned (and used) to great effect. Naturally making sure the wound is sterile before zipping it up is paramount. If you actually want to learn this suturing needles can be got in certain first aid kits (seriously, the one a friend brought to a festival last year had suture, needles, needle drivers, hypodermic needles and syringes and a cannula (IV catheter in the US) kit); if you do get your hands on some suture needles and want something (that doesn't scream) to practice on, pork with the skin left on works a charm.
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