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Cutting edge on Merkur 23c vs 34c

Hey all, so I own the 23c which I consider a pretty mild razor head, but I was wondering if it was the same head as the 34c. Anyone know? I really like the 2 piece razor idea, but if they both have the same head, I can live with the 23c and swap the handle. Thanks!
I also own the symmetry open comb razor which I don't really love. The blade never sits right no matter how much I try to position it. However I do love the handle and I realized that I can use it with the 23c. The symmetry is very aggressive, so just looking for something between the two. I appreciate the thread and I will keep looking!
FWIW, you might be looking for a hardware solution to a software problem, so to speak, in that the standard Merkur head should be plenty aggressive. I would work on the angle of attack. It took me several months of DE shaving to really figure it out. I highly recommend sticking with one good razor (anything from Merkur certainly qualifies) along with a few blades that work for you - and really learn how to use your razor. Switching between razors too quick can set you back, in my experience.

After many years of DE shaving, my only razor is the first one
I purchased many years ago - a Merkur 34C. I sold all the rest, except for a few collectables that I don't use.
totally fair assessment and you are probably right. I've been at it for almost 6 months now using the 23c almost exclusively. I know I am by no means any kind of expert, so I'm sure I need to keep working at it to get that perfect shave. But its also fun to try something new. :biggrin1:
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