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So, I went back to those cheap Chinese pens.

Full disclosure: Lefty, neophyte, and I do not yet own a pen that cost more than about thirty dollars, so I've got a ways to go before I pretend I really know about this stuff.

I started out with a few cheap Hero and Jinhao pens (511, 529, 616), under $5, usually under $5 with shipping. Had frustrating ink flow issues and one just wouldn't write at all, so I set them aside and got a Lamy Safari, then the Pilot Metropolitan, and a few user grade vintage pens.

I went back to the first acquisitions today and, though they have their issues, they all write well enough for what they are. I expect that probably my issues before were the result of poor technique. Not that the technique isn't still poor, mind you! It's eerily similar to some folks' experiences branching out with different types of shave gear. I'm going to use them as daily carry pens and just sort of let them attrit naturally as pens are wont to do.

Anyhow, if you haven't tried it in awhile, consider going back to it; your experience might be different now that you have a little, well, experience.
The converters in them are horrid, the jinhao ones arnt to bad, but if you have one of those hero slide ones well I had one blow up on me and got ink everywhere... even on the cat,

I'd you enjoy them, use them, why not
I've found that those Chinese pens need a reeeealy good flushing before you can even consider writing with them. Otherwise, they really aren't bad for what they are.
Yes, the converters suck. Also, my other converters don't fit! So I just use a ton of silicone grease and prayer.

Once they have all been lost, I intend to step up to something fancier than the Pilot Metro. I just can't pull the trigger on a Pelikan yet.
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Yes, the converters suck. Also, my other converters don't fit! So I just use a ton of silicone grease and prayer.

Once they have all been lost, I intend to step up to something fancier than the Pilot Metro. I just can't pull the trigger on a Pelikan yet.

you sir are a gambling man! I'd be too scared to walk around with one knowing it was a ink time bomb. But yea I would definately use it if I owned one and was a braver man :lol:. No point in letting it sit around going to waste. I've heard that being a lefty can be a pain though with fountain pens, glad you stuck it out, its a great hobby, unless your jame's ink covered kitty.
I have a Hero 612 XF that is actually a terrific little pen. I also use Jinhaos at work with aftermarket knox nibs in them, and they also are wonderful pens for daily use, especially once I got rid of Scribal and noodlers ink. Loaded with diamine or private reserve, they are everything I want for work.
I do have a Pelikan, Nussbaum, Esterbrook, and a metro at home. They are all good pens, but the Jinhao/knox is as good as any except the nussbaum and pelikan. At under $20, I really like the Jinhaos so far. Also, I have a few Baoers that seem to be solid little pens as well.
The King of Cheapies says: yes! I own many inexpensive Chinese and other Asian (mostly Indian) pens and only a few have been duds. The one thing to watch out for are the rip-offs of some of the brands, in particular Hero...many copies floating around (hard as it is to believe).
So, to end this little tale, on day four the converter leaked. Just gonna bring my Pilot Metro from now on.
Ink did not get everywhere, and I have no cat (allergies), but I was dreading one peeing Quink all over my uniform, and I shall not ignore this sign!
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