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Witch Hazel vs A/S or both?

Apologies for the newbie question, but well, I'm new.

I've just ordered the Thayers witch hazel sample pack. Do I use the WH instead of my A/S lotions like Proraso and Speick? Or do I use both? I've been reading the threads to find an answer but just ended up getting confused.

Also half of the Thayers range are toners and the other half are astringents. Is this the same thing, or at least the same function?

I'm interested to see what everyone else says too. I've started using witch hazel but I still use aftershave for the lite scent and feel. I suppose it's a YMMV thing.
I'm a newbie too but I always use both witch hazel and an aftershave balm at this stage. I find that The witch hazel cleans and tones things well while the ASB deals with any burn and moisturises. I find more of a good thing is always the way to go but YMMV.
I use both, but I use Dickenson's witch hazel (less expensive and just as effective). Dickenson's is unscented and contains only witch hazel hydrosol and alcohol (as a preservative). I also use alum (before applying witch hazel), and I only use alcohol based aftershaves.
I use both. And I don't use any fancy Thayers or other witch hazel. I get the big bottle of Wal Mart brand witch hazel, works fine for me anyway. After I shave, rinse, and towel dry my face and neck, I spray witch hazel. Yes, I put it in an atomizer, and I spray liberally. After I've cleaned up my shave gear and the sink, I apply some aftershave. The combination works well for me.
I use both and I can tell a difference. Since I have been using a DE razor, I havevavserious decrease in irritation, but I like witch hazel and then a splash or a balm, really, really works for me. My rule of thumb is try it out, it if works keep doing it, if not jut stop.
I just finished a bottle of Thayers Lavender and decided to go back to regular WH with a splash of Clubman in it (10 ml to a liter). The difference was significant to me. The 'pure' WH (85+ percent) was much better than the Thayers which lists WH as the third or fourth ingredient.

The cheaper and purer stuff seemed worlds better but I still add the scent to it since I can't stand the scent of WH alone.

I use WH after stopping any leaks (though I NEVER have weepers... no sir... uh-uh... well... maybe) and after a scented alcohol splash. I use a balm of some sort - Lubriderm or Cornhuskers (just started that) usually. AS goes on if I feel like an AS but only after taking care of the skin.

Edit: Oh... and WH does work for me. It isn't a miracle cure but it does cool and tighten my face just a tad so I use it regularly. Cools in a non-mentholated way. I don't like menthols - Osage Rub isn't pleasing to me but I bet it would make a good mosquito repellant. Will try that shortly.
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Same here. Warm rinse, cold rinse, alum (leave on for a couple min) then cold rinse. Dickinson's splash on wet face, let air dry for 3-4 min while toothbrushing and policing the area. Alcohol-based AS thn fan dry with towel. BLISS!
I use both, but I use Dickenson's witch hazel (less expensive and just as effective). Dickenson's is unscented and contains only witch hazel hydrosol and alcohol (as a preservative). I also use alum (before applying witch hazel), and I only use alcohol based aftershaves.
Apologies for the newbie question, but well, I'm new.

I've just ordered the Thayers witch hazel sample pack. Do I use the WH instead of my A/S lotions like Proraso and Speick? Or do I use both? I've been reading the threads to find an answer but just ended up getting confused.

Also half of the Thayers range are toners and the other half are astringents. Is this the same thing, or at least the same function?


Do fret about asking questions... that's the main reason this site exists.

To answer your question, I utilize both witchhazel and AS. Like many here, I have a very TOUGH beard and used to breakout after shaving with multiblade razors. Finally, I learn about traditional shaving and switched to a DE razor. It help a great deal with the breakouts and bumps, but I would still have some irritation. Then I discovered a few products that really took my shaving and shaving experiece to the next level. What are these products? I'm glad you asked. :)

1) Proraso Pre-Post shave (green tub). I shave in the shower, so after I clean my face I apply the preshave and really run it into my beard and let it set for a min or so.
2) Quality shaving cream (incert your favorite one here, for me I LOVE TOBS (Taylor of Old Bond Street))
3) Splash face with COLD water after I shave
4) Witchazel
5) Favorite AS

Hope this helps and best of luck to you....
Many aftershave products are witch hazel based, so if you do one, you get the other. I like Lucky Tiger Aftershave and Face Tonic.
Preshave prep is very important - not to rehash but since your new, restress.

shave - WTG, XTG, +- ATG
warm rinse
cold rinse
alum (no need to rinse the alum, the WH will do it for you)
WH AS splash
AS balm


Perfection. I have also been using a wet, cold towel from the freezer before the Alum and frankly it feels amazing.
I use either Witch Hazel or an aftershave splash, not both. If my skin is a little dry afterwards (particularly after the WH), I may use some Nivea ASB.
I use Witch Hazel and an alum bar. Is it necessary? Not by any means. IMHO, I like to prevent infection and this is a good supplement to my shave program. Also, toners and astringents basically perform the same function. The major difference are that toners are not supposed to be alcohol based and are less aggressive. Witch hazel is considered part of the astringent family. Hope that helps.
I use lucky tiger toner, which contains witch hazel, and then QSC A/S balm. My face thinks me. I started with jjust the balm. Adding the withch hazel seems to help so far.
I use lucky tiger toner, which contains witch hazel, and then QSC A/S balm. My face thinks me. I started with jjust the balm. Adding the withch hazel seems to help so far.

After shaving and a final warm water rinse:
I splash Thayer's lavender Toner (no alcohol like most witch hazel mixes) all over my face and massage it in. I let it set for a few minutes and then do a splash of cold water on my face to close the pores. Next, I pat my face dry and use a liberal splash of, usually, Floid Vigoroso and 'roll slap' message it in.
I use both as well. I apply the witch hazel after my cold rinse (after a pat dry) and then apply AS after it has dried. I use unscented Dickenson's so it doesn't interfere with the AS.
After my shave I use razorock alum, leave it for a minute or two, then wh... let dry.. then as or cologne as needed. I am using Thayers WH which feels great, but will try Wallyworlds WH next.
I mix a few drops of WH with a few drops of whatever AS I feel like using that day. I think I get the benefits of WH and also tone down the strength of the fragrance of the AS for the benefit of my co-workers. I think full strength AS is pretty strong for the first hour or two anyway. I don't think the WH alters the AS much, if any, since WH evaporates pretty quickly.
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