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Williams Mug Soap........finally got it figured out

Since '78 IIRC.
Williams in OS Mug web.jpg
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you owe it to yourself to give it a go and you nothing to loose, except a buck or so. And if it doesn't work, then toss it in the shower and you have a great bar of body soap.

I was in the camp of "forget this williams nonsense" too, but I decided to stick with it, and see what I could get out of it. I'm glad I did cause the scent is great, the performance is getting better with every shave, and I feel even more "old school" now then ever. Keep in mind I'm 36.....so that's also a win!
I used Williams for the first time today and was very pleasantly surprised. Following the advice of keeping it hydrated, I put it in a mug and drizzled some hot water on it every day for a week. 30 seconds of loading a RazoRock Plissoft synthetic, and bowl lathering produced enough for 10 passes if I wanted. Lol. I did find it to be extremely thirsty, adding considerable amounts of water while lathering. Next time I’ll cut loading time in half and go from there.
The shave was comfortable enough, and I’m sure will improve once I get it dialed in some more. No doubt Williams has found a spot in the rotation.
Just fill the mug (with the soap in it, obviously) with hot water and leave it while you take a shower. Then dump some of the water (some call it bloom water) leaving some for building the lather or dump all water and add some later. Use any brush to load for anywhere between 15sec to 1min at the most. Ok, maybe 1min is too much.
Easy, effortless, long lasting, slick lather.
It works for me.
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