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What's your workout today?

Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
I've been lazy over the holidays. When I can't get out to do a normal, dedicated workout, I have two 30 lbs dumbbells that I have near my TV and computer. I make a rule for myself that whenever I get up to do anything, I have to do 15 reps of any 2 types of lifts or presses. It's not as beneficial as a solid, continuous workout, but by the end of the day I've usually accumulated enough reps to equal a few sets of all the different lifts and presses that I would normally do in a good lifting session.
Pyramid Bench press...four sets up, four sets down
- Superset with crunches
Chest Dips
- Superset with leg raises
Fly machine
- Superset with jumping jacks
Incline sit-ups (3x15)
Tricep dips (3x20)
Tricep push downs (4 sets increasing weight)
- Superset with jumping jacks
Lower back extensions (4x20)
- Superset with jumping jacks
Burpees (3x10)
Squats to 166kgx5
Time for a post Christmas vacation reset.
12min AMRAP
3 strict pullups
6 pushups
9 squats
3 mile hike in the snow with my pooch. She had a blast. She's not very tall and the snow was 6-7 inches deep in the woods.

Afterwards, I went on a 2.5 mile jog by myself on a running path that had been plowed, so it wasn't too bad though a little slick. Thankfully no falls.
Snatch EMOM (40kg)
Clean EMOM (70kg)
45 Thrusters (43kg)
5 burpee penalty
4:49+20 Burpees
Added in the pull from the floor with a pause at the hang position
Deadlifts to 208kgx5
Well that was just generally a mess right from the first rep. Slight chance the 3 week vacation caught up to me.

Going to do a post vacation reset next week
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