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What's coming out of YOUR roaster?

I roasted two small batches (each about 230g of green) this morning in my DIY bread machine/heat gun roaster. I've really been getting great results with this setup. I'm ending the roast about 20-30 seconds before 2nd crack. I'm getting really nice espresso pours with these two.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
That looks pretty good, City+ or just short of first crack. That should have been far enough to tame the acidity and you are tasting chocolate which is likely due to the roast level, I have done some of these much lighter and they are bright and lite in the cup. I bet it will be good in just a few days, if not you may have to reconsider your roast profile.
That looks pretty good, City+ or just short of first crack. That should have been far enough to tame the acidity and you are tasting chocolate which is likely due to the roast level, I have done some of these much lighter and they are bright and lite in the cup. I bet it will be good in just a few days, if not you may have to reconsider your roast profile.
I appreciate the guidance, here, @APBinNCA. Thanks.

The roast you see pictured (photo colors never quite convey, right?) was taken right up to the first few pops of second crack. And maybe I used the wrong words to describe the taste. It's got a certain grape-skin, black tea, pomegranate-seed, mouth-pucker quality which I hope will tone down after it sits for a few days. Especially since I bought a 5lb bag!

Thanks again for the reply.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
And maybe I used the wrong words to describe the taste.
No you used the right words, I was just having trouble recalling having a similar experience and assumed you were referring to the acidity. Now that I think about it, roasting a little lighter might actually be better. Or possibly a bit darker. I must be so used to this by now that I forgot how to identify it. At least you have enough beans to experiment!
No you used the right words, I was just having trouble recalling having a similar experience and assumed you were referring to the acidity. Now that I think about it, roasting a little lighter might actually be better. Or possibly a bit darker. I must be so used to this by now that I forgot how to identify it. At least you have enough beans to experiment!
I sure do! Yup, I'll mess around with the next few roasts and see what I can discover.

Waiting a day or two may solve the issue for me as well.

At any rate, I tend to love the chocolate flavors in darker roasted Ethiopian beans, so I might try that direction first.
I sure do! Yup, I'll mess around with the next few roasts and see what I can discover.

Waiting a day or two may solve the issue for me as well.

At any rate, I tend to love the chocolate flavors in darker roasted Ethiopian beans, so I might try that direction first.
In case anyone is curious: after a couple of days, the tannic flavors I mentioned in the last post eased off a lot, changing to leather and baking chocolate. So interesting how flavor profiles change in the days following the roast!
What brew method are you using?
I brew in a Hario v60.

I used a "Clever" brewer for years thinking that extraction would be better if the beans sat in hot water for longer. A few sessions with the v60 proved me wrong, however. I've brewed with the Hario exclusively for over a year, now.

What's your usual brewing method?
I brew in a Hario v60.

I used a "Clever" brewer for years thinking that extraction would be better if the beans sat in hot water for longer. A few sessions with the v60 proved me wrong, however. I've brewed with the Hario exclusively for over a year, now.

What's your usual brewing method?
My daily coffee is an espresso. If I make a drip at the office it's in a small Kalita wave pour over.
I have some older greens that I bought too much of a couple years ago and still have a little green left to roast.
Seems to roast up just fine even though it's old. Did two batches this morning and looking forward to pulling some espresso in a few days after it's had some time to out-gas and settle down.



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