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what was the first beer you ever drank?

although my first beer was a stroh's signature,, my dad drank altas. yeah,,,, ALTAS.:thumbdown the folks would go on vacation and i would start drinking. no problem right? got a week to find a buyer and replace it. the problem was choking down 24 bottles of altas!!! dad would come home to find the beer he left somehow multiplied.:blink:
Let me think... it was my 21st birthday... I got a sample paddle of beers at McMenamin's... I believe the first one I tried was either the Copper Moon or the Ruby. The Ruby was the only I completely finished... it's a raspberry beer. It's great if you are looking for an easy drinker. I've since expanded my tastes.
Can't say I'm 100% sure, but I think it was a warm I.C. Light swiped out of the fridge a few hours before camping out in the backyard with a buddy.

It was warm, and tasted awful at the time and I havent had one since. I remember my dad telling me that the horse would wink at you after you've had a few.
Can't be 100% but from what I remember it was a 40 of Mickey's....


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Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member

I may be the only person on this forum who has ever tasted the stuff, first beer or not.

My dad always let me take a swig from his bottle of beer in the evening.
Dang if I can remember ?
I know that when I was 10 my grandfather caught me smoking a cigarette behind the barn.
I can still remember that stern look of his and "boy!, you know that you are too damn young to smoke them damn
cigarettes! "
Still surprised by getting caught by grandpa, I replied " shoot grandpa, that ain't nothing, I was with my first woman when I was 9"... trying to make a grown up conversation with him and dodge an azz whooping....He just smiled while cutting his eyes at me and said " well, do tell boy, how was it ? I simply replied " how the hell do I know, I was drunk as a skunk at the time" saved me an azz whooping, but I declare, I don't recall the brand of beer . That's my story and I'm sticking to it....:lol:

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
"Red Neck, White Socks, and BLUE RIBBON BEER!" a sip of my Dad's, when we were out catfishing when I was maybe 7. We hadn't brought anything else with us to drink and I knew my Mom would give me what-for for drinking river water. First beer by my ownsome probably a Mickey's Big Mouth.
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