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What TV series you watching?

For me currently:
Vikings season 2
Hannibal season 2
Game of Thrones (waiting for season 4)
True Blood (waiting for season 7)
Revenge ABC TV
Teen Wolf MTV
Revolution NBC TV
New Girl FOX TV
Dallas [2014] - TNT TV
Fall Guy [1980's] ABC TV
Airline Repo - True TV
I just finished True Detective (moves kind of slow but pretty good). Getting caught up on season 6 of Mad Men before season Seven. From there it's either The Americans or finishing The X Files. For show that are currently on, The Walking Dead and Shameless.
Current favourite series is Bluestone 42, a very irreverant comedy about a British army bomb disposal team in Afghanstan. I've heard the real Army bods think it's hilarious and dangerously close to the truth!

I finally started watching Mad Men. I don't usually have a ton of time for TV, so it's taken me about two months to get through two seasons.
Walking Dead
Sons of Anarchy
Nurse Jackie
House of Cards (Netflix)
The league
Lilyhammer (Netflix)
Ray Donovan
Orange is the new black (Netflix)
Currently working on,
Arrow season 1
American Horror Story (not sure how I feel about it)
Waiting for more Walking Dead

Finished and loved,
Burn Notice
Breaking Bad
The Brit version Alex?

No the USA version

Currently working on,
Arrow season 1
American Horror Story (not sure how I feel about it)
Waiting for more Walking Dead

Finished and loved,
Burn Notice
Breaking Bad

Wait until you see season 2 of Arrow, they improved the writting and added more villains and characters. CW just renewed it for next year since it is one top 3 shows. Behind Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, The Originals...... and new show The 100 is catching up on ratings now. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...=VPF5utP74KOidOu6VDtV5w&bvm=bv.63808443,d.cWc

Walking Dead
Sons of Anarchy
Nurse Jackie
House of Cards (Netflix)
The league
Lilyhammer (Netflix)
Ray Donovan
Orange is the new black (Netflix)

The ones in red i seen all the seasons and love them all, would highly recommend to rent or streamline.....great binge watchable shows.
I finally started watching Mad Men. I don't usually have a ton of time for TV, so it's taken me about two months to get through two seasons.

Thank you for your service in military, without your service we would not be at peace watching our fave entertainment.$SalutetotheMilitarybmp-1.jpg
My wife and I have been doing this too! I was probably 12-years old when the show first came out and we only watched it in our house because my Mom loved it. Fast forward all these years later and SWMBO gets a random urge to check it out. Sometimes we laugh at how utterly '90s it is, sometimes I have vague recollections of seeing particular episodes as a kid, but mostly we just really enjoy it. Great show

I was born in '83, so I would have been about 9 or almost 10 when the show started. I'm having a lot of fun with it, because I understand it better now than I did then; and because the Netflix format makes it easier to remember the whole story arc.

I finished the episode "The Post-Modern Prometheus," which was awesome and one I don't remember at all. It's been the best of the "funny" episodes that I've seen.
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