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What happened to the term "SWMBO"

I recently learned the term. I think it's used tounge in cheeck.

I learned what LOTH was Lady Of The House.

And of course "The war department"

I think it's mostly in good fun with some truth as well. You guys all know it's give and take.

Mrs. Kaboom and I are trying to follow a strict budget be we both are enablers of each others spending.
Thank you for your kind offer. My blade cult is Shavers of Sharks chaired by @Cafebarian

It’s not your group, but it’s still nice razor blades and chaired by a leader of southeast Canadian origin who is not Murray Carter.
Wait I don't race cars? Lol
Motorcycles are more interesting anyhow. But do always carry a knife..

SoS members are small in number, but very memorable to say the least.

Thombrogan's words are very appreciated, however the truth is that I am not worthy of such great attention.
Perfectly stated. Never understood not throwing the money in the same pot.
I don’t get this either, when my wife and I got married we both had absolutely nothing, we started from zero, in fact we started both with debt😂.

So I am proud to say everything and anything we have, is both ours! So it comes natural to discuss purchases wether are mine or hers, we have 2 accounts: one is our checking account where both our paychecks and expenditures get managed, the second account is our savings with money we move from our first account that is not necessary after everything is paid for that period till next paychecks arrive.

And yes I do work more and make more money than her, that doesn’t necessarily makes me have more rights over that money, she takes care of our kids and the house, cooks, cleans and takes care of Mr. @ngel.

Is never being about asking permission from one or the other. Is about always having a clear understanding where the money is being spent. When I buy shaving stuff I just tell her and when she buys make up or shoes she tells me and then we agree yes we can buy it or let’s wait till later cause we got things to pay first, is never been a “no don’t buy it”.

Last few years we came up with a “mutual allowance” where we have a set amount we both can spend without the other one knowing. Mainly because if we want to gift things to each other we don’t want to spoil the surprise😉

I also have a special kind of respect for my wife or any women in my life who have being households, when my wife left to visit a sick aunt for about 2 weeks I was the “Man of the house” and let me tell you…I rather go to work than manage my house…is never ending! Between cooking meals, washing dishes, laundry, cleaning, prepping lunches and on and on and on…is the most underrated and unappreciated work in the world for sure!


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I don’t get this either, when my wife and I got married we both had absolutely nothing, we started from zero, in fact we started both with debt😂.

So I am proud to say everything and anything we have, is both ours! So it comes natural to discuss purchases wether are mine or hers, we have 2 accounts: one is our checking account where both our paychecks and expenditures get managed, the second account is our savings with money we move from our first account that is not necessary after everything is paid for that period till next paychecks arrive.

And yes I do work more and make more money than her, that doesn’t necessarily makes me have more rights over that money, she takes care of our kids and the house, cooks, cleans and takes care of Mr. @ngel.

Is never being about asking permission from one or the other. Is about always having a clear understanding where the money is being spent. When I buy shaving stuff I just tell her and when she buys make up or shoes she tells me and then we agree yes we can buy it or let’s wait till later cause we got things to pay first, is never been a “no don’t buy it”.

Last few years we came up with a “mutual allowance” where we have a set amount we both can spend without the other one knowing. Mainly because if we want to gift things to each other we don’t want to spoil the surprise😉

I also have a special kind of respect for my wife or any women in my life who have being households, when my wife left to visit a sick aunt for about 2 weeks I was the “Man of the house” and let me tell you…I rather go to work than manage my house…is never ending! Between cooking meals, washing dishes, laundry, cleaning, prepping lunches and on and on and on…is the most underrated and unappreciated work in the world for sure!
My parents, and my wife's parents were not perfect, but they were good examples to us in how to run a household. My Dad didn't believe in "women's work" but my mom also worked outside of the house for quite awhile when I was growing up. Dad did much of the housekeeping. They painted the house together......"many hands make light work" was the motto around here.

I am the most blessed man you will ever meet.
First heard SWMBO on a BBC show Rumpole of the Bailey that my Dad used to watch. I've been referring to my wife as SWMBO since before she was my wife in a tongue and cheek manner and she still thinks it is funny.

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
Though not married, myself and my partner are together for the last 26 years and although In polite society we usually refer to eachother as partners I do sometimes use the short hand OH (Other Half) though not when I'm in earshot of her including here

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
My friend Rob has a 'long' acrimony & title for the significant one...and now its his custom 'moniker'. :thumbsup:

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