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I'm impressed so far. After answering the questions at the beginning of the book I am definitely an introvert and SWMBO is an extrovert and yet we get along very well. Actually I have never dated an introvert. Strange. Maybe opposites do attract.

Reading about stereotypes associated with introverts recalled a few unpleasant memories. I also found it surprising that introverts and extroverts recharge differently. Very interesting book. I consider myself lucky to be reading it.

She gets into the idea of introverts and extroverts getting along later in the book. I'm single but have dated both personality types.
Still on A Game of Thrones. I am now on page 1,511 of 2,433, reading it on my iPhone. I fear I am ruining my eyes! Like all books should be it is a lot better than the TV show.

Except every time I come to Daenerys chapter I have to force myself to read it. I don't enjoy her story as much as the others.

I felt exactly the same way about Daenerys, but just wait. Her storyline gets really really good. I think it was Book 3 where it really gets interesting. Actually, Book 3 is where I felt everything got really interesting. I think that was my favourite of the series.
World War Z by Max Brooks

It's supposed to be a motion picture this summer actually. The movie looks alright from the trailers and I figured on reading the book to get the real experience. The movies always generally let me down.
I felt exactly the same way about Daenerys, but just wait. Her storyline gets really really good. I think it was Book 3 where it really gets interesting. Actually, Book 3 is where I felt everything got really interesting. I think that was my favourite of the series.

I agree although I sort of wish I had skipped Book 4 and half of Book 5, which I just finished.
I agree although I sort of wish I had skipped Book 4 and half of Book 5, which I just finished.

Book 3 has been the best so far. I was a little frustrated with book 4 and found book 5 to be better; but nowhere near as good as books 3 and 1. I'm hopeful that book 6 will raise the bar. Martin admitted that he had problems with 4 & 5.

I started reading Starship Troopers.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I felt exactly the same way about Daenerys, but just wait. Her storyline gets really really good. I think it was Book 3 where it really gets interesting. Actually, Book 3 is where I felt everything got really interesting. I think that was my favourite of the series.

by the time I get the book 3 it's possible I might hate her all together!
I just finished The First Law trilogy. I enjoyed Abercrombie's Best Served Cold much more. I found it a more consice and structured read. I also read it a while ago and had no background on the characters portrayed. The First Law trilogy was too drawn out. It was three books of the same thing, aside from a nice beginning and end.

I've just picked up Ender's Game and plan on reading that, then Speaker For The Dead, then we'll see if I continue the series.


I read The Magic Wagon this past weekend. I picked up a slip case edition last year for about $22. At that price I practically stole it, since I see it selling for 4x that. I first read it back around '97 in paperback.

$magic wagon.jpg

Right now I'm reading one of Lansdale's newer books, Shadows West. It's also limited.

$shadows west.JPG

Like it or not, this guy can weave a story. No, I'm not joking. Since The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown has actually improved; the few years of Robert Langdon's hiatus made the story better as his last adventure was far more adventure and less of an informal history lecture which was what plagued the first two novels. Inferno is the best of both worlds, enough history to understand all the references and also plot, and narrative to not make is seem as if time stood still for fifteen pages. I'l write a review when I finish the book.
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Like it or not, this guy can weave a story. No, I'm not joking. Since The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown has actually improved; the few years of Robert Langdon's hiatus made the story better as his last adventure was far more adventure and less of an informal history lecture which was what plagued the first two novels. Inferno is the best of both worlds, enough history to understand all the references and also plot, and narrative to not make is seem as if time stood still for fifteen pages. I'l write a review when I finish the book.

I look forward to the review. I am a Dan Brown fan. I'll end up with it, but a good review might speed up the purchase!
My "other" job is as a semi professional brewer and I am very involved in the brewing community throughout the entire country (USA) and currently I am reading a bunch of different material on BJCP guidelines for judging and style parameters, I am also reading books by the brewers association on water as it pertains to brewing as well as chemistry and altering profiles, books on hops and on yeast and zymurgy including microbiology and yeast culturing and propagation.
I am currently working my way through George RR Martins Song of Ice and Fire series. I am currently on Storm of Swords about to move on to A Feast for Crows
Finished Ender's Game and was impressed. Immediately jumped into Speaker for the Dead and was greatly put-off. I was expecting an immediate continuation of the series. Not so much. It's also a huge shift in writing styles, almost as if someone else wrote book 2. As much as I want to read it I had to switch to something else as I was really disappointed and put off...and I was having trouble getting out of chapter 1...

Currently reading American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in US History. So far a great read. About 15% through after my first reading session (about 40min with distractions) so it will be a quick read.


Finished Ender's Game and was impressed. Immediately jumped into Speaker for the Dead and was greatly put-off. I was expecting an immediate continuation of the series. Not so much. It's also a huge shift in writing styles, almost as if someone else wrote book 2. As much as I want to read it I had to switch to something else as I was really disappointed and put off...and I was having trouble getting out of chapter 1...

Currently reading American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in US History. So far a great read. About 15% through after my first reading session (about 40min with distractions) so it will be a quick read.



I also felt the same about Speaker of the Dead. Finished it, but had no interest in reading the books written to fill the gaps in between. I read somewhere that some enjoyed them though.
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