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Well, tonight was the night!!

Got my order from EvEm in today... had to try it out even though I'd done a quick (one pass) shave with the Fusion this morning.

Put a new Merkur blade in the HD, gathered up the kit and headed for the bathroom conex. Soaked the lather bowl and brush in hot water while I put a hot towel over my face, then drained the bowl and shook some water out of the brush.

Swirled the brush over the Ev's Bay Rum glycerine soap and started trying to form a lather. While it didn't appear matte, it wasn't shiny, either. Adding more water and more soap made no real change. Never did get a large amount of lather, and I never got very good coverage, either - similar to washing my face with normal soap. I thought I recalled reading something about glycerin soaps not lathering as well, so I proceeded.

Finding a cutting angle for my cheeks and moustache area didn't seem hard at all - I could feel a little bit of pull as the razor cut the hairs down, as well as feeling the blade across my skin. I'm not sure if that was too steep of an angle or not, though - that was the only way I could tell if the blade was cutting.

The chin are and the main portion of my neck was a bit more difficult, I found it hard to feel if the blade was cuttion on the main portion of the neck. The right side was harder, as I'm left-handed and the grain wraps around my neck from the left to the right, all the way across. The lower portion of my neck was much more difficult, since it grows upward, and I couldn't feel if the blade was cutting or not.

I did 2 light with the grain passes, and two chevron passes on my face changing to with the grain on my neck, rinsing and relathering between passes. The shave oil definitely seems to make the razor glide smoother - I could feel the difference between using it and not.

Finished off with the Bay Rum aftershave splash and balm. There was a bit of burning around the corners of my mouth and around my chin, and also where the grain changes direction on my neck.

Except for the base of the neck and the right side of the neck under the jawline, it seems to be as close of a shave as a careful shave with the Fusion. Overall, I'm satisfied with the shave I got - the morning will tell if I overdid it, I suppose!! It's going to be hard to wait until tomorrow night to try it again!! Now I'm just waiting for the soaps order from Scotto, the Proraso stuff that the g/f ordered, and the blades from letterk!!!

I'd appreciate the more experienced gents chiming in if they see something glaringly wrong... I'm here to learn!!
Congratulations Mike! :)

Remember, always use light pressure (let the weight of your HD do the work) and know that your results will improve with time and practice. :)

Keep the blade at a 30 degree angle and don't be afraid to put the HD on your arm and watch where the blade would touch skin so you can get a visual feel for 30 degrees. Don't cut yourself though! Also you will want to work on stretching out your skin while you shave, a wet facecloth will help with this.

Your skin will feel better over time as you have stopped using the gel monstrosity from a can. :) I shaved with the grain only for a month before I tried my first against the grain. I think it helped me to get used to the weight of the razor instead of jumping right in the deep end.
Welcome Mike!

No matter what else you do right if you have crappy lather you will get a crappy shave.:mad:

Wash that new brush with shampoo-let it soak for a while - rinse with 70-30 mix of water and white vinegar add a splash of Glycerin,if you have any.

Read this on lather making.Practice when you are not going to shave!

Relax and have fun- glad to have you with us. :biggrin:

BTW whats EV ?
Good job Mike, well done. You've got a nice start to your wet shaving career.

The one thing you will need to do is really work on your prep in terms of making lather. Really work the brush in the bowl. When you get it right the lather will look like the most amazing cream you've ever seen. When you put it on your face you'll know you've got it right because your face will want to sing.

I'm not that familiar with soaps yet but I know that when you get the Proraso, and you get the right consistency of water to cream, it will feel amazing.

See you around the neighborhood and keep asking questions! Lots of people here to help you out.
On another note... some of us, due to the type of water we have in the municipality, are unable to achieve the lather that the other board members so lovingly praise. I'm able to get close, just not in the "bursting aspect" of it. So don't get discouraged if you try and try and try and try, etc, and just can't seem to get it.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
mnealtx said:
The right side was harder, as I'm left-handed and the grain wraps around my neck from the left to the right, all the way across.

I have almost the exact situation to deal with. You may want to try using your right hand for those parts.
Congrats with your first DE shave. If it's any consolation I have problems making lather with my glycerine based soaps, I'm not sure if it's my technique or that we have very hard water where I live.

Because of this I tend to ignore my glycerine soaps and use my creams instead, I found it's much easier to make a consistant lather every day with something like Proraso or Trumpers creams.

But as the others have said, a good lather is the key to a great shave. You'll get there in time with practice, keep it up. :thumbup:
Iwan said:
Congrats with your first DE shave. If it's any consolation I have problems making lather with my glycerine based soaps, I'm not sure if it's my technique or that we have very hard water where I live.
Because of this I tend to ignore my glycerine soaps and use my creams instead, I found it's much easier to make a consistant lather every day with something like Proraso or Trumpers creams.

But as the others have said, a good lather is the key to a great shave. You'll get there in time with practice, keep it up. :thumbup:

Check the Pics and Vids forum. There are a few good threads there with great instructions and pics.

Thanks for the encouragement, all!!

Yes, I'm going to attempt a better lather tonight - face felt fine this morning, btw. I've re-read Scotto's tutorial about the glycerine soaps and will try that. I'm also going to spend more time with the hot towel, too.

Unfortunately, I don't have the option of heat sources in the living quarters, so no boiler pots or mug warmers. The tap water DOES come out good and hot, though!!

Ev EM is the kindly proprietoress of Em's Place, where I ordered my starter kit, brush and razor from. Sorry, Em!!!! I'm looking forward to trying out the Proraso and Scotto's cream/soap sampler when they arrive...

I'm not sure about that 'right hand' thing... while I've had to teach myself to do several things right handed (shooting, golf, etc), I think I probably WOULD slice myself to ribbons trying the razor in my right hand!
Update 1.1:

Shaved after the morning shower - 2 with the grain, with 2 chevron passes sandwiched between. All neck shaving was with the grain. Did a bit of T&C after the last with the grain pass. Felt a lot more confident with my blade angle and control. I wasn't constantly worried about cutting myself.

Got a bit closer shave this morning, I think - there's no visible stubble, and only a slight bit of stubble that can be felt on the point of the chin going with the grain, and under the jawline on the neck (which was always impossible to get all the stubble with ANY razor). No razor burn at all.

Still no improvement with the lather this morning. It pretty much resembles Scotto's lather in the first part of his glycerine soap tutorial. Soaked the brush in hot water while I showered, then dumped the bowl and shook the brush lightly once. Got a good bit of soap on the brush (or so I thought), but it still won't "cream up" - I can't seem to get past the stage where it resembles normal soap suds, and I'm whipping the hell out of it.
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