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Synthetic Shaving Brush Mega Review. Add your experiences here.

Ok the silvertip fiber wording made me think it was silvertip badger but I should have known fiber is usually for synthetics. Thanks.
No problem. The butterscotch one is right up my alley. I would get one of i didn't have so many brushes on order right now
I need some help but first I would like to thank the OP for the excellent detailed reviews.

I am trying to locate the exact Plisson shown in the review but I am not sure I can.

Are they available from any US online stores or just from the Plisson and l'Occitane Europe stores.

I understand. But I cannot find that one either. By reading other reviews on the forum I see that Maggard's brush and Plissoft may use similar if not the same knot.
They are a bit different. Don't know if it's the same knot, but it's differently constructed. The Plissoft have a little more backbone than the original Plisson. Can't tell about the Maggard's or Stirling ones. Anyway, as far as synthetics go, honestly, I don't think that you can go wrong with neither of those. Even if there are small differences, like backbone or handle, as hairs can be packed differently, the general qualities are surely there.

You can find the same specifications as the L'occitane one have, at Plisson site:

The handle is different, but it's surely the same knot.

Or you can try at L'occitane website. But those from L'occitane go out of stock kinda often. Give your nearest L'occitane store a call. You might have surprises. I know that there was a period when brushes were nowhere to find online, but they were sold in physical stores. Now, I'm not so sure that they will produce them too much, having in mind the competition. Right now, in the store from my country (Romania), they are not available and haven't been for awhile. They might come with another model.

Long story short, if you don't have a synthetic, and you want one, just grab any of the Plissoft, Maggard, Stirling, even the Omega S-brush, anything that you can find at a better price. You will surely not gonna be disappointed. Differences between them are kinda small. They all follow the same kind of fiber. Just Omega S-brush is not as soft as the other ones, but it's still a great performer.
Things have changed a bit since this review. The other posters are correct that this exact Plisson is hard to find. I would suggest to you that you don't want to find it. There is a reason L'Occitaine stopped carrying it and it's because of the high rate of returns due to issues with the handle (finish flaking off, knot coming out, etc.). This make this brush less valuable. If you want a Plisson, go to the French site and order one there that has the same knot and design but a MUCH better handle. Cost will be about $40 + shipping.

OR (what I would do), you can get one of the newer synths that have come out using a very similar knot to the Plisson (maybe the same). These all are a little different because of how the knot is set but most have a little more backbone (which most people prefer, to be honest). You can get one of these in the $20-30 range easily. Based on personal use and or recommendations from people I know, I'd look at the following:

Whipped Dog
RazoRock Plissoft

I think you will be happy with any of these. The bigger question will likely be size (some, like WD, come in multiple sizes), and handle style. Shipping might help you decide too, as you might be buying other things at the specific vendor and can qualify for free shipping.

I own both the old Plisson you are looking for, and a small WD and I use the WD almost exclusively. I like the WD slightly more performance wise, but mainly I don't like the feel of the finish that is cracked and flaking on the Plisson. One of these days I'll go sand it down and re-seal it, but it hasn't been a priority to me since I have the WD. Once I do, I'll probably rotate back and forth between the two.
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Interesting enough, with the last order from Maggard I included an Omega S-Brush, and I had not noticed they had their own brand, otherwise I would have included one of them as well. By the way I like the S-Brush a lot but not for face lathering, just because I feel the tips on my skin and I am not sure it will go away. Otherwise it's a great brush and I have been using it regularly. I just want a good synthetic for face lathering now.

Thank you for all your suggestions.
I like the S-Brush a lot but not for face lathering, just because I feel the tips on my skin and I am not sure it will go away.

Yea, that will not go away. I personally don't find the irritating or something, but I can feel the tips on my face too. That's definitely not happening with the Plisson. But as far as performances go, I don't see too many differences. If anything, I feel that the Omega have easier time into building lather directly on my face, and the stiffer loft make the smearing all over my face easier. Just the small things.
Interesting enough, with the last order from Maggard I included an Omega S-Brush, and I had not noticed they had their own brand, otherwise I would have included one of them as well. By the way I like the S-Brush a lot but not for face lathering, just because I feel the tips on my skin and I am not sure it will go away. Otherwise it's a great brush and I have been using it regularly. I just want a good synthetic for face lathering now.

Thank you for all your suggestions.

Yea, that will not go away. I personally don't find the irritating or something, but I can feel the tips on my face too. That's definitely not happening with the Plisson. But as far as performances go, I don't see too many differences. If anything, I feel that the Omega have easier time into building lather directly on my face, and the stiffer loft make the smearing all over my face easier. Just the small things.

Yeah, the S-Brush is a bit prickly/springy feeling. In comparison, the Maggard and Razorock knots are soft as pillows, with almost as much backbone and none of the springiness.
I received the 24mm brush from Maggard Razors. Fantastic. Very soft on my skin but it works very well both with the mug or directly in my face. It holds s ton of soap.
It is definitely a step up from the Omega S-Brush.
I may buy the smaller one as well with my next order from Maggard.

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