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Shave like grandpa

I am in . I have about a month left of my tub of Proraso White , I will stck with my 78 black handled superspeed I have been using exclusively for the past two years and a Wee Scot Brush.
How did I miss this thread....

I did the 1 of everything thing for about 2 weeks a couple months ago. What I found was that using Ogallala Bay Rum daily changes the way it smells on me to an almost "fishy" scent... it's still my favorite AS, but I can't use it more than 2 days in row anymore without catching hints of fish.
A little too much "bay"?
I have no idea how my grandma shaves, but I'm in!

I don't have much stuff, but I do have a sampler pack of blades I need to go through. I'll try to get rid of the derby this month.

Here's my Lineup
Edwin Jagger extra long pink razor DELPI14bl
Ecotools finishing kabuki brush
Palmolive EU soap
Derby blades
Yves Rocher Monoi oil as an aftershave
I could use my dad's actual rig that he used but between him using Williams and that 1st generation nylon brush I am not sure I could take it:

I've been thinking about how many of us like to think we shave like grandpa. But I think there's a big difference between us and grandpa--RAD, SAD, SCADD, etc., while grandpa likely had one razor, one soap or cream, one brush, and one aftershave.

In the spirit of gentlemanly restraint, I'm going to really try to shave like grandpa for one month by limiting myself to one of each product. Anyone care to join me?

If you do, share what your single choice will be. I think I'll use my Ever Ready 1912, EJ menthol soap, AoS badger brush, and Clubman aftershave. I'll try to post pics of my choices tonight.
I have grandchildren ranging from age 19 to 26. I started out with several razors from the Aunts and Uncles, since in that period, the men in the family were all into electrics, which I wasn't able to keep using. Some time next week will be the sixtieth anniversary of that first shaver torture. It was the afternoon of the first day of high school, and I was 14 years old.

As best as I can reconstruct, the majority of men using safety razors used bar soap, same as I started out with, no brush, and unscented products for aftershave and for deodorant. I used Witch Hazel and was another ten years older before I started using any scented anything, even on special occasions. I used brushless shave creams before shave soaps, and canned foam before shave creams (Barbasol and Noxzema).

However, once I did begin using any kind of men's scents, I had several I kept and chose among ~~ although in that regard, I believe I was unusual, and that many men at that time that belatedly accepted the idea than men could "wear" any scent other than a "soap smell", stuck with a single brand only.
Not for me… too many cool razors, brushes out there. The internet has brought European soaps and creams right to our bathroom sinks, and I like the selection too much to go back in time to less cool shaving choices.

I would love to join, but I am still trying out blades. Other than that I am good with my Proraso Green and A/S, Gillette tech, and Bambino Boar Brush.

This is exactly what I've been striving for with this.
I'm not in, just because I just got in a sampler package of soaps and AS from Garry's and am giving each product a week's worth of testing with the goal of whittling things down to one...maybe two max.
This morning's (aka this week's) line-up:
Gillette NEW LC
Gillette Silver Blues
Semogue 1305
Captain's Choice Cat-O-9-Tails AS
Jury's still out on the AS, but otherwise...I could live a long time with this set-up.
Good point that we don't shave like our grandfathers.

For most of us, this is a hobby and awareness we are cultivating. For previous generations, the equipment they used was just to get the job done. Like I was doing with the canned creams and cartridge razors.

We are rather "pampered" gentleman with a huge array of shaving soaps, creams brushes, razors and blades to choose from. :) Of course I enjoy pampering myself and I find myself looking forward to my morning shave instead of finding it a time consuming waste of time.
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When I was a kid, late 1950's, I was often left with my grandparents when my parents went out for a night in San Francisco. I will never forget the old porcelain sink in my grandparents bathroom with the Art Deco fixtures, my grand dad's folded straight razor, his brush and shaving mug, and the wonderful smell of the shaving soap and aftershave. I can still very strongly recall that smell.

Very good memories for me.
You know, I have no idea what my grandfather shaved with before he went electric, and can still find out. I know that he loved and loves aqua velva only!
All I remember for the most part is a bottle of something blue, I assume the Velva, and a Gold TracII. There was a white can of something, and a very small brown or tortoise brush. So, for September it was one specific line of everything for me, with Velva and a TracII. My brush isnt brown, but it is tiny. I remember him absolutely reeking of strong Brut, so that will be the cologne of choice, all month long.
I'm in I'll be using a Murker 37c with feather's, Rooney badger brush,Chella soap and Dickinson witch hazel as an aftershave.
I'm in. I joined the soap of the month club so i'll go for broke and do it all.
Here is September's gear:

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89BL
Blade: wilkinson sword
Brush: van der hagen boar
Soap: Dettol Cool cream
Post: styptic pencial (if needed)
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman and Gillette Balm
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Unfortunately if I shaved like my Grandpa I'd be using a BIC disposable while shouting out Jeopardy answers to the next room... :)

Having said that, a Merkur 37c, Rooney brush, and Proraso Green products are all I use and need.
If I shaved like my Grandpa I've be using a straight edge. I'm told that was his preferred method of shaving. For the time being I'll have to settle on shaving with my DE razors. Can't wait until I get my first straight edge and give it a try. It will be interesting.
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I think my gradfathers' setups were a little more Spartan, but since I'm doing this challenge for September in another thread might as well post my set-up here as well.

Personna Lab Blues
Semogue 830
Coate's Sandalwood
Witch Hazel
Nivea Replenishing Balm

Since I'm new to DE shaving, I figure I'd use this month to focus on technique. Should be a good month!
Since I'm new to DE shaving, I figure I'd use this month to focus on technique. Should be a good month!

This was one of my reasons too. i've bought so much stuff that i think i really need to focus on technique and picking one of each thing should help.
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