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please share amazing quotes and wise words

It’s easy to know the difference between right and wrong. The hard thing is to choose the right thing when all your friends are doing the wrong thing.

You can make one bad decision that will change the course of your life. Make wise choices. Look long term.

I used to tell my sons these two things when they were young. I thought it applied mostly to someone in their formative years, that was until a former neighbor and coworker ended up in major legal problems.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
“I’m not lying, I just pushed the thought to the back of my mind”. CBJ

"I'm not lazy, I just enjoy doing nothing". CBJ
I share this idea with many people, I think it is 110%.

If you want to be great at anything, practice is the only way to become better.

Golfer, Pool Players, and most sports require equipment.

I personal would rather have say, Tiger Wods Skill, then a set of club just like Tigers.

Those Club would still not allow me to play as good as Tiger.
Measure twice- Cut once
Start square- End square

We did 1000 sq ft of wood flooring in our home and I see it everyday. I am so glad we took our time and didn’t rush the project. It would drive me crazy to look at something crooked and halfway done.
Good ones. There must be other good carpentry-based sayings!
I share this idea with many people, I think it is 110%.

If you want to be great at anything, practice is the only way to become better.

Golfer, Pool Players, and most sports require equipment.

I personal would rather have say, Tiger Wods Skill, then a set of club just like Tigers.

Those Club would still not allow me to play as good as Tiger.
It is a bad workman who blames his tools.

Practice does not make perfect. It makes automatic!
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