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Pipe Of The Day (POTD)

I had a bowl full of Dunhill royal yacht mixture from somewhere between 1985-1990. Smoked it in my Peterson darwin premiere. Rehydrated.wonderfully and was quite the pleasant smoke. It was nice to smoke a tobacco likely as old as me.
Sutliff's French Quarter in a rustic Celtic Craft freehand African meerschaum...
Going to procrastinate just a little more this morning and have a bowl of LBF in a Ser Jacopo billiard. Also having an americano and this will be my first smoke with the new match striker, which works beautifully with the sub-par green strike-anywhere matches.


I figured I should try an aromatic amongst the two English, two Virginias and one VA/PER I've started pipes with. So, I grabbed the only thing I could at the shop on base. Captain Black, in the white pouch. Honestly, not overjoyed right meow. It's alright, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty one dimensional to me right meow. It's smoking wonderfully in the bowl, nice and cool, plenty of smoke and no bite. I'm still just not excited about it though. Let's see what the end of the bowl brings.

In my Peterson darwin premiere with a tankard full of my homebrewed Brown Porter.
Peterson Irish Flake in a Yellow Bole Spartan. Sat with my dad in his backyard after a crazy day with the kids at Storybook Gardens, which was rammed full of kids all juiced up on chocolate. He smoked Drew Estates Heirloom Cherry in the pipe I carved him for his birthday.
Excuse me, are you saying meow? I could have sworn you said meow.

Now let's not get catty!

Alright meow, hand over your license and registration!

Don't let Captain Black sour you on aros...there are better aros in heavily sold stuff like Lane 1Q and even better ones from artisanal blenders.

Yeah, I will definitely reserve judgement. My brother just had an aromatic that he's really enjoying in Tabac noir and I'm a little jelly. Lol

I totally have pipe envy now. That is just an awesome pipe!

Speaking of pipe envy, my brother pointed out a really neat looking Nording poker on ebay that I can't bid on because apo addresses are excluded. Bummer. Lol

Given the disappointment of my last smoke with captain black and the unobtainable nature of that pretty Nording poker, today's smoke seemed clear. My current favorite and go to smoke Frog Mortons Cellar, in my favorite pipe my Nording abstract Dublin.

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