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Opinions on MÜHLE Silvertip Fibre?

21mm Muehle silvertip fiber is good for face-lathering, 25mm is good for bowl-lathering, and the 23mm does both. They all are good travel brushes as they dry out within six hours.
Jim! Any news on that Kosmo Black Fibers?
Or did I miss that?
Wim, no news yet. I've been distracted by projects and moving, but today I heard from Mühle. It looks like I'll have one before the holidays.
How would you compare the softness of tips on the Silvertip Fibre versus the Black Fibre?

Can I chime in?

I am not sure the black fibers are in itself softer tipped than the silvertip fibers.
The brush itself is very luxurious, soft with enough firmness - but that effect could one contribute to the medium dense / higher loft set up also.

It sure is a lather monster, as are most of the new gen synths!

I can't say the tips are any softer on one vs the other as Mr. Wim has said. However, because the Black Fibres are thicker the knot is less dense and I believe its loft is a bit higher too. It splays easier on the face and I love the way it feels when used with circular motions. The STF has more spring and resistance to the fibres and I don't quite like the way it feels when face lathering, especially with circular motions. The STF requires more pressure to get the brush to splay in the manner that I like and this pressure isn't what I'm looking for. The Black Fibre gives a luxurious feeling without giving up too much of the backbone needed for loading hard soaps. The flow through on the Black Fibre is amazing. I will also agree with what some others have said about wanting a better handle for the Black Fibre. I have no desire for the ergonomically designed HFM Black Fibre as I think it looks ugly as sin, though I'm also not a fan of the Kosmo so I doubt I'll see anything I must have anytime soon.
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I have a Muhle 23mm STF and would have to say that it is a good all around performer. However when face-lathering I agree that I often wish it had a shorter loft. From what I've read the long loft is somehow beneficiary to more backbone in this synth.
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