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No guard DE?

Honestly, I don't think it can outperform a shavette (except for the maneuverability part) or even the 2013 R41 with the Spitfire cap (you can't improve on perfection, can you? :001_unsur), but I have to try it anyway. :thumbsup:
It will be VERY interesting to hear what you make of this...
Tomorrow I'll try it then. I've been reading this thread, and y'all still alive so I guess it can't be that bad. :lol:

Honestly, I don't think it can outperform a shavette (except for the maneuverability part) or even the 2013 R41 with the Spitfire cap (you can't improve on perfection, can you? :001_unsur), but I have to try it anyway. :thumbsup:

It basically is a shavette, so I suspect it will behave similarly.:001_huh:

As for the R41, the most interesting thing for me was how completely different the two razors felt on my face. The DEvette was not more aggressive, but it was differently aggressive. And the post-shave feel is also quite different. The R41 produces a pleasantly tight, almost-waxy feel. The DEvette is just close and clean.
OK, my description doesn't even make sense to me. :blink: You just have to try it for yourself, I guess ...

Let us know how it goes!
I had the Pre War Tech loaded and ready to go for today, but last minute I thought about the cut of Yuma. I tried a Gillette Sword, and I must say it was a lot better this time around! No cuts or irritation this time, and even the Splash was smooth. :thumbup1:
I am one of the suckers who ordered one. Can't get the blade aligned evenly, not to mention the ridiculous amount of blade showing. Too much blade movement and no luck even when I hold the blade in place while I tighten the razor.

I'm not even going to try shaving with it...I did send pictures to the vendor, who mentions he uses it regularly, and he sent me his pictures (which appear to be a better version, albeit it could be a sleight of hand with the camera). Apparently made in Turkey (seriously?).

I concur with others that there are razors from this vendor that appear less vicious. I will say, if this one had allowed me an even alignment, I might have given it a go - even with all that exposure.
Sorry to hear about the poor QC on the Stainless model, but I guess that's all the more reason to start making our own!

Used one of those cheap Indian 7 O'Clock razors as a devette this morning - the guards just snapped off with a pair of pliers and used the Yuma handle in place of the plastic one for another great result :)

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I could shave with it; shallow angle, cap on the face, very careful.

Not a great idea, but not a blood bath, either, in my opinion.

Agreed. It's really no different than using any very high blade exposure DE with a very shallow angle. I get the same "no guard" effect when I use my 2011 R41. The guard never touches my face.
Agreed. It's really no different than using any very high blade exposure DE with a very shallow angle. I get the same "no guard" effect when I use my 2011 R41. The guard never touches my face.
After my fourth devette shave I'm pretty sure the crucial factor, along with blade choice, is blade extension.

The most comfortable shaves were with the small-extension bakelite and 2013 R41, whilst the larger-extension Yuma and 7 OC were less comfortable during the shave but still produced the same fantastic end result.

You're right that any razor which permits steep angle shaving then gives a guardless effect, but only razors with big blade exposure can normally do that.

By actually removing the guard we can get steep angle and maximum efficiency (infinite aggression) to work with small blade exposure and that is the winning formula.

This is equivalent to the grinds of str8 razors - a small blade exposure is like a wedge (very comfortable) and a big blade exposure is like an extra hollow (with a tendency to bite) but both are infinitely aggressive in DE terms.
I am one of the suckers who ordered one. Can't get the blade aligned evenly, not to mention the ridiculous amount of blade showing. Too much blade movement and no luck even when I hold the blade in place while I tighten the razor.

I'm not even going to try shaving with it...I did send pictures to the vendor, who mentions he uses it regularly, and he sent me his pictures (which appear to be a better version, albeit it could be a sleight of hand with the camera). Apparently made in Turkey (seriously?).

I concur with others that there are razors from this vendor that appear less vicious. I will say, if this one had allowed me an even alignment, I might have given it a go - even with all that exposure.

Are you sending it back? Mine has QC problems, but I still like the way it shaves. I think you should give it a go with the Mirror DE. Failing that, remove the guard from an old junky razor. It really is worth a shot.
Brilliant! Is that the razor where you have secured the injector blade with magnets?
Yes, my own personal shaver for about a year now.

Again it has the manouverability of a safety razor combined with the great comfort of a str8.
That is why I like this type of guardless razor. The ideas on this thread are even better as it does not require machining a new head like I did. Modifying an existing DE razor is definitely more economic/simpler to do in order to try out the concept :001_smile
It will be VERY interesting to hear what you make of this...

Let us know how it goes!

I shaved with my half devette (SEvette?) today. Since I was just testing, I only snapped off the rest of the guard that was already broken.

The blade feels different on my face, slightly rougher than usual - reminds me of the GEM SE blades. I tried both shallow and steep angles, the roughness was still there.

The shave was fine though, close shave, no nicks, no weepers, no post shave irritation, but honestly I don't think I'll be as enthusiastic about this as you guys. Maybe my devette isn't a good one? Maybe the blades that always worked in all of my razors aren't as good in the devette?

I guess what I'm trying to say is ... this is nowhere near the R41 steep angle shave quality, IMO. I might have a different opinion in the future if I decide to try other devettes, or even other blades with this one. For now, and based on one shave only, I'm certainly not impressed.

I am soooo kicking myself now ...

As part of a mixed bag of razors, I got a Tech with one half of the baseplate snapped off. I just binned it. I could have had that super-efficient one side and a real safe other side. Damn it!
Ha ha - my bakelite only had one side broken off originally too.
A lot of those old bakelites had differential aggression. One side was notably more aggressive than the other, and I suppose the "sevette" could be an extreme version of this.

I also agree that a steep angle shave with R41, Single Ring or FaTip is essentially the same as a devette shave but as mentioned before, this method makes this possible with razors with smaller blade exposure which should be much more comfortable.

In every case the shave is superb so we need to hear reports of how this works with the Weishis, RiMeis and Techs...
I'm pretty sure the crucial factor, along with blade choice, is blade extension. The most comfortable shaves were with the small-extension ...

My Eastern Bloc Golf razor is much like you describe - although it has a guard, it need not have. In fact, I think I'm going to snap the guard off this one ... or perhaps just bend it right out of the way.


I have mentioned my father in law before. He using an Old Type without the base plate. The blade is kept there only by the handle. I have been offering him a complete razor but he does not want any. He likes what he has.
... so, I guess my top cap plus washer example is overkill. Does he simply screw the handle on and job done?
A lot of those old bakelites had differential aggression. One side was notably more aggressive than the other, and I suppose the "sevette" could be an extreme version of this.

Interesting, I wonder if that's what happened with my first attempt with this razor.

I might try it again. It wasn't a complete failure, the shave was close, but not enjoyable. I really didn't like the feeling of the blade on my skin. I even tried different angles, no dice ...
In every case the shave is superb so we need to hear reports of how this works with the Weishis, RiMeis and Techs...

I have too much love for Tech and the "good" Rimei, and we already have one report that it didn't change the shave much. That design is already geared for low angles,

This will absolutely be a fitting end for the "crap" Rimei (2001A) fraudsters like to send. I already tricked one out to work like an OC, because its guard was bent in obtuse angles, without the kink that forms the gap. Prying the guard up close to the blade took away the steep angle. So I made it a half-sider:
and the bare side reminded me how horrible the no-gap side really was... I immediately cut off the other bar. I don't know what's going on yet, but I am fascinated! I have an even better candidate lined up for tomorrow. Another poorly executed Tech clone, with a beefy, steel baseplate that will line up perfectly with the top cap: the Yingjili "classical" (on Amazon) 8306-H.
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