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Nib Customization Options

I've talked to nibs.com and they recommend the Pilot Falcon still, based on my wants, starting with a medium nib and a stub grind, narrowed to 45mm. As a second choice, the same pen with the cursive italic nib. They said the Pilot medium/cursive italic pen is a lovely writing pen. The SF nib the Falcon comes with is .35mm. The medium is .55 stock.

They told me the cursive italic mod leaves the stock nib width untouched, so it is possible and has been done on the SF nib. But, the line variation is not as drastic, and that's part of the appeal of the mod. Also, if I get the stub grind and don't like it, it can be ground further to a cursive italic. However, the cursive italic cannot be reground into a stub. So, if I go cursive italic it is that or nothing. Now, they will work with me on an exchange if I really dislike it, but I will be out the cost of the nib grind. Honestly, that is better service than even I would expect. nibs.com has already earned my business, before my first order. Fantastic.

The smart money is on the medium nib, ground to a stub at .45mm. If I don't like it, regrind to cursive italic. Based on Andrew's comment that a flex stub would be amazing plus that video, how can I go wrong? But my heart tugs for the cursive italic. It's a sharper nib with more tactile feedback. The stub will be smooth. I think what I should do is sleep on it, decide what my heart wants and decide what feels right. Then order the exact opposite nib. That's how much I trust my gut on this purchase.

My thinking about a flex cursive italic is that as the nib tines spread, the sharp corners may catch on the paper. I think the stubbed Falcon nib would be a lot easier (and more fun) to use. I've used very crisp cursive italics. They're challenging and intersting. I highly recommend trying a steel Franklin-Christoph CI nib (ground by Michael Masuyama) if you get the chance.

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