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New to B&B


After stalking B&B for years, I decided to join.

My grandfather had a barbershop, and I've always had an interest in that.

My grandfather moved to the states from Sicily, and after moving about settled in Detroit where he opened a barbershop.

I've since replaced and repaired a lot of his tools for daily use.

Although he has passed, and I no longer get the hot shaved he once gave, he still lives on in my daily routine.

Looking forward to enjoying this hobby with you all.

Hello and welcome, DP. Great to have you here on B&B. Wander on over to the Hall of Fame and introduce yourself.


Biblical Innards
Welcome to B&B and thank You for sharing that Nice Story.
I've since replaced and repaired a lot of his tools for daily use.

Although he has passed, and I no longer get the hot shaved he once gave, he still lives on in my daily routine.
That is so cool:thumbup:
Welcome to B&B. Definitely one of my favorite discoveries, and maybe one of the internets' greatest redeeming qualities. Facebook and Twitter not so much.

After stalking B&B for years, I decided to join.

My grandfather had a barbershop, and I've always had an interest in that.

My grandfather moved to the states from Sicily, and after moving about settled in Detroit where he opened a barbershop.

I've since replaced and repaired a lot of his tools for daily use.

Although he has passed, and I no longer get the hot shaved he once gave, he still lives on in my daily routine.

Looking forward to enjoying this hobby with you all.

Welcome to B&B
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