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Negative encounters wearing cologne


My elbows leak
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I am reminded of a quote which is often attributed to Mark Twain.
Whether it was Twain or not, it is priceless and reflects my opinion on the subject perfectly;

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."
The solution to over-application is The Veg.

You can never wear too much.

Hell, the instructions tell you to splash it freely all over the body.

Case closed.
I haven't worn cologne in years, and when I did, I wore just a small amount for a subtle scent. Now, with the DE shaving, I'm looking forward to using some nice after shaves.

I will say, some of the people I run into on a daily basis at work get a bit carried away with their colognes....
I went to a football match last year (soccer to you) where my beloved Hamburg SV were thrashed 5-2 by Frankfurt.

In the queue outside the stadium some bloke said: "Hell, it sure smells like Tabac around here. No, not the smoking kind, the stuff my Grandad used!"
I went to a football match last year (soccer to you) where my beloved Hamburg SV were thrashed 5-2 by Frankfurt.

In the queue outside the stadium some bloke said: "Hell, it sure smells like Tabac around here. No, not the smoking kind, the stuff my Grandad used!"


I read on Basenotes someone wearing Guerlain Vetiver and people saying they smelled Pine Sol. LOL!
You're right. I can't imagine where the world would be without Justin Bieber, or New Kids on the Block.

You present a false dichotomy in which our only choices are the preferences of teenagers or the elderly; you ignore everyone in between, the people who actually drive the direction of the world.

Unfiltered reaction? A teenager's entire existance is predicated upon peer approval, thus all of their preferences, on matters of music, movies, food, fashion, etc..., will remain central to the group. (...)

One, get kids interested in music? I'm sure you always listened to your parents' music when you were a kid.

Two, and you ignore the voice of every teenager? I don't know what is worse.

Three. You have no idea how rude and stereotypical this is, do you?
I've never had any issues with my colognes, It could be that some negative comments are due to wearing too much cologne.
I went to a football match last year (soccer to you) where my beloved Hamburg SV were thrashed 5-2 by Frankfurt.

In the queue outside the stadium some bloke said: "Hell, it sure smells like Tabac around here. No, not the smoking kind, the stuff my Grandad used!"

In 5th grade I used some Old Spice, more like bathed in it. My classmates were ruthless. The teacher was hot so it was worth a try.:001_tt1:
In 5th grade I used some Old Spice, more like bathed in it. My classmates were ruthless. The teacher was hot so it was worth a try.:001_tt1:

It's funny what we did as kids to impress others. I remember asking my mom to iron a white dress shirt for me to wear to school in the 3rd grade so I could impress the girl of my dreams. If she even noticed, she never showed it.
Interesting and amusing thread. Allow me to add my $.02

I like subtle scent from some perfumes or colognes, but it doesn't take much "extra product" for me to dislike it.

I am a singer and in major groups (e.g., symphony chorus) it is normal to ban perfumes/colognes at rehearsals/performances. There is a lot of deep breathing required and some are allergic or sensitive to scent (however, showers, deodorant and clean clothes are encouraged). So, whether it's my nose or not liking folks to blow off rules in place for consideration of others, I do not like any scent at all in these situations.

Similarly, I frequently run with training groups and in distance races. I do not like to breath in any perfume/cologne in this situation either.

I suspect the above shapes my likes and dislikes, but for me small subtle doses is about all I can appreciate. Usually it's heavy, cloying perfume that puts me off, but every so often it's a man wearing the heavy handed cologne.
I've only ever had one negative comment which was "Bloody hell are you wearing enough?!" - it was Diesel Fuel For Life which is very potent when first applied and only applied one spray 15 minutes or so before I go the comment so I shrugged it off. I've actually had nothing but positive comments on my choices other times. "You smell so nice!" has been said quite a few times before, and not always by women :laugh:
When it comes to one of the five human senses, everyone's opinions should be equal. In fact, the younger you are, the better senses you typically have be it sight, sound, taste, smell or feeling. Just because you disagree with a teenager on music doesn't make their other opinions invalid. I don't understand that logic.

Anyway, the teens on the elevator could've been being jerks on purpose for little reason or perhaps you were wearing a bit too much but it's not too big of a deal.

I just wanted to give my two cents that teenagers opinions aren't simply invalid especially when it comes to something natural like the sense of smell. I could understand taking their world view opinions with a grain of salt but come on... Do you know how old and bitter you people sound like saying some of the stuff you're saying?

When I was a teenager I certainly did not spend all my time seeking peer approval. I was largely individualistic and sought out my own unique interests which often led others to look up to me in that way. Teenagers are just like everyone else: they can be lone wolves, leaders, sheep, or just don't give a damn.
You put teenagers in charge of anything and you'll be seeing more of this. Enough said.


More police cars, more silly signs, or more old bald guys mauling young girls?
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