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Need help dressing up.

I seek the wisdom of the B&B counsel for a brief moment. Next month I am going to a big conference in Washington D.C. and need some advice on what to wear. I will be in a suit for three days, Ideally I will take two suits with one of them being a different shirt combo. Currently I have a 2 black and 1 olive suit, I am thinking about picking up either a navy or grey one as well. (What color shoes do you wear with navy?) I am looking for color combo's here.

Basically there is going to be thousands of hot conservative girls running around :w00t:, and my goal is to impress as many as possible. For reference, here is a high school version of myself (4 years ago) in a suit. I have no recent pictures to offer, but can take some if necessary.

Janno is that the suit you are going to be wearing? If so it needs some tailoring.

Black laced shoes captoes (well shined) go with blue or gray suits in a business setting.

You mention conservative girls so I would assume thats the "look" you are going for.
Add a rep tie and a kinda matching pocket square for a finished look.

Tailoring is very important to look professional and pulled together, so make the effort to find a competent tailor.

Good luck and have fun.
I've had tremendous luck picking up girls with French cuff shirts. EVERYBODY notices when you're wearing cuff links.

Geoffry Bean makes some nice French cuff shirts available at Macy's. Only problem: They don't offer "fitted" in the French cuff style. However, their French cuff shirt is closer to the fitted style than not.

Also, get some modern diagonal striped ties that are nice and thick.

BTW: I'm 27, and regularly attend conservative functions.
Jim nailed it, well fitting is one of the most important factors.

in my opinion, a brilliant brown shoe should go with navy ...with a belt that is an exact match.
Jim nailed it, well fitting is one of the most important factors.

in my opinion, a brilliant brown shoe should go with navy ...with a belt that is an exact match.

I agree and wear them all the time with navy and gray, I am just offering the most Conservative option, the brown shoe could work with his olive suit as well.
Generally navy suits are worn with brown shoes, but black works fine too.

Since it sounds like this is going to be more of a social rather than business event I would be more willing to go out there with your shirt and tie combos. The girls you are looking to attract may be conservative, but if you're looking for them to notice you you need to do something a bit outside the box, without going to far. Along those lines I would recommend a nice bold color and pattern combo: something like this would be real sharp with either a white or blue (match the accent color in the tie) pocket square. That particular combo would work equally well with a navy suit. Obviously it's way overpriced, but hopefully you get the idea at least.
How formal will the conference be? The black suit is fine for some, but there's a line of thinking that black suits shouldn't be worn at all during the day. Either a predominantly dark gray or navy suit (if you must have pinstripe think SUBTLE) can be worn anytime of day or night, and depending on shirt/tie combo and shoe selection they can be dressed up or down.

Being on the young side, I'd stay away from french cuff shirts and pocket squares, I think it would just look like you're trying too hard. If you feel it fits you and you can pull it off it can be a very classy look but it's always safe to err on the conservative side. If it's mostly a business setting, I'd keep the shirts solid, and the ties boldness should reflect your personality. No novelty ties! For shirt and tie combo's, if you must wear a stripe shirt you should pair it with a solid or a pattern tie. There are exceptions to everything but if you're asking advice I'd recommend no stripe on stripe or pattern on pattern.

Personally, brown shoes with either color can be pulled off by some, but I feel for the average joe they usually look clunky and out of place. Black or oxblood can be worn with gray or blue but the black will be a more conservative look.

Just remember, as long as you buy timeless pieces like your basic navy or gray, it can be in your wardrobe for years with proper care. For this reason, and since you don't already have them, I'd say stay with your standard 2 button, normal lapel side or back vented jacket. It's a choice/style that will always be perfect for any occasion requiring a suit.

Oh, and the socks should always match the trouser.
If you are thinking of picking up a new suit or two as you mentioned, perhaps look at one of the better mens clothing stores that sell complete sets and do the tailoring and also can help you pick out complete set ups as in shoes, shirts, ties etc that look sharp for a particular function. I look at suits as an investment the higher end shops may cost a little more then off the rack suits but they definitely help get you noticed, and as in your case that is what one often wears a suit for.
blue with brown shoes might seem as too "modern" for some,
and please, Burn that tie, if it was a bit wider, it would go amazingly well with a clown suit, red with yellow and orange dots, amazing,
Jim nailed it on the head... a great tailoring job can turn a $300 suit into a $1000 suit. If everyone around you will be wearing conservative business suits, small details like the perfect fit, your collar width, crispness, and the knot of your tie, the shine on your shoes, the right cufflinks (think small and simple, and in the same finish as your belt buckle) make all the difference.

Since you'll be traveling, consider care, space, and versatility as well. Bring one pair of sharp, black dress shoes, your shine kit, and shoe trees for overnight storage. Consider getting your other shirts and suits pressed at a one-hour cleaner or through your hotel's service upon your arrival, as they can wrinkle badly even in a garment bag.
First of all, the tie is no longer with me. I am currently looking for a tailor in the area, so whatever suit I get (and the ones I have) will hopefully be getting properly fit. So far my thoughts are to pick up a grey suit, and take that as well as a black one. I was thinking about wearing the grey with a white shirt one day, black with a light blue shirt, and then grey with a pink shirt. Any other ideas?

ok this is simply my 2cents but heres a few things to keep in mind:
1. Go for a tapered shirt. They look the best on men of all sizes and chances are you will end up ditching the jacket once comfortable with aforementioned ladies.

2. ditch the fat tie and go for something more sharp. i prefer skinny ties and i have about 5 from this seasons ben sherman collection. very sharp.

3. if you even think the word bowtie....die

4. im not one for the pastels as i just think they look awful on men unless you are going for the im so metro i might be sexually confused look. when going for dressy i like to go classic sinatra. black or grey suit tapered white shirt black skinny tie.

but again...my 2
Everyone will be in a tie, so why not use that to your advantage and get yourself a bowtie, I love um and everyone will want to know how you learned how to tie a bowtie. I am constantly if unofficially voted best dressed at weddings when I am in a bow tie. Give it a try, you’re sure to stand out...:thumbup1:

I also think that it depends on what else you are wearing with a blue suit, as to the shoes you wear. NEVER wear slip on shoes with a suit. and if your in darker ties I would go black, and if your in lighter ties I would go cordovan. I also think that you are who you are so whatever you choose will be right for you, regardless of so called etiquette!
Thanks for the advise, keep it coming. Also, how do I go about transporting these suits. We are trying to go without checking baggage this time.
Navy Suit.
Red Suspenders
White Pinpoint Shirt (french cuff preferred).
Red Tie
Oxblood 6 eyelet shoes with black laces.
Oxblood Belt gold buckle
Gold Cuff links and tie bar

Suit and shirts tailored by the best tailor you can find.
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