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My Guess... 3017

I'm working on about half a tub of Fraser's original I got off the BST. It's absolutely an amazing product. I think this will take a while get through, though. Really slick with a great summer lime scent. This one has earned a permanent place in the den.

I think us face latherers are at a disadvantage in this. I tried loading heavily with this and I had lather running down my arms and dripping off my elbow. It's hard to use this up like it would be if I bowl lathered.
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One week left with the vintage Williams and Old Spice combo. I'm going to stick with my plan to kill a GFT Coconut Oil remnant, then move on to Cade...
Forgive me, johnniegold, for I have sinned. It had been three shaves since my last use of Cella (I was PIF'ed another soap and used that for a few days to write a review.)

Back on the Cella train.
I think i may jump in and try to kill my MWF. I have used it about 5 times as a puck then grated it down to fill the tupperware container it was in. So about 10 shaves in. I may use my Tabac from time to time but lets see how long i can stay married to the Fat.:scooter: here is my starting point, about 11 shaves. $4-17-121.jpg$4-17-21.jpg
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Isn't the Speick AS wonderful? I recently rediscovered it while trying to find an aftershave whose fragrance didn't linger. It's great stuff. Mix it with 444 for an extra treat :velva2:
9 days with the LaToja and I am hitting my stride. Although the sirens song of the D01 made me break the Rover use today, The lather is outstanding. Complimented with the Engles straight and Boosters Mosswood. May I say Red Letter Day.

I am really going to miss this soap when it is gone !
Houston, we have a problem !

In preparing things for my wife's weekly straight shave, I was stropping and she came in with her glass of wine, looked over at the bowl of Creed I was going to use and said " Not that, I want the soap in the brown mug, been using it since you started and it's great". NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Looks like my time with this soap will will be reduced accordingly !!!!!
Great thread guys...just read thru pretty much the whole thing. Can't believe how dedicated you are jonniegold. I am still deciding which soap I want to try to stick with for 30 days let alone kill it.
Shawn that is an old slant. I cannot say enough about the AOS soaps, I have really soft water which helps tremendously with making lather, but just a few swirls gets me all I need for a 4-5 pass shave.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I completely missed this thread... Great thread Bob! I'm thinking that I might do something similar with my Aftershave stash!
Moving on. Saw plenty of shiny white ramekin after loading this morning. I cracked open The Body Shop tin that holds a third of a puck of GFT Coconut Oil soap that has been neglected since September 2011. Took a looong whiff of that great scent! I put the Old Spice leftovers (Less there than I thought!) on top of the puck and it is ready to go! Cade follows in a month or so.
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Houston, we have a problem !

In preparing things for my wife's weekly straight shave, I was stropping and she came in with her glass of wine, looked over at the bowl of Creed I was going to use and said " Not that, I want the soap in the brown mug, been using it since you started and it's great". NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Looks like my time with this soap will will be reduced accordingly !!!!!

Oh no. :o11:

Great thread guys...just read thru pretty much the whole thing. Can't believe how dedicated you are jonniegold. I am still deciding which soap I want to try to stick with for 30 days let alone kill it.

Once you knock out your first soap, it's all downhill from there.

Well here she is 6 months in- AOS lemon on the homestretch.


That's a heckuva shave, Jim. Vintage 57?

I completely missed this thread... Great thread Bob! I'm thinking that I might do something similar with my Aftershave stash!

What did they do to you down under?

6 months on one puck of soap? Bob, is Jim doing this right? :wink:

And yes, the AoS is unbelieveable. :thumbup1:

Jim is a gentleman. As soap killers, we are Philistines.
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