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Modern May 2024

Yaqi Bohemia
Rubie (25)

That time again…

For the month of May, who wants to challenge themselves to use there most Modern razors?

After vintage April, my poor new razors are feeling neglected. So how about dedicating May to those shiny new razors? I had two ideas to what modern is. Maybe it’s where Vintage April left off, ~1974 on? Or possibly it’s 21st century razors? I think I’ll just leave it up to y’all.

who’s in:
1. Texchappy
I guess I'm automatically in this as all I have are three razors that meet the above modern definition including my Weishi 9306 Long Handle, King C. Gillette and latest acquisition a Razorock Adjust (rebranded Baili).
366 daily shaves

Fatip Special Edition GentileGillette Minora (4)Razorock Beehive
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (4)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)5/10 (Sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Buttery Smooth)


Summary. It's Friday and it is been a long time, so today is a Fatip Friday!! Of course it was a splendid shave. All comfort. All effectiveness. All rolled into one. Soap is very splendid as well - joy to lather and a joy to use.

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!
Modern May 2024

Razor: RazoRock BBS Standard HD (102)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (6)
Preshave: Hot Shower; Cereve Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft Monster Synthetic 26mm Shaving Brush
Lather: Van der Hagen Luxury Scented Shaving Soap + Cremo Cooling
Aftershave: Cold water rinse;

No nicks; No irritation; Very Close; Very Smooth; Pleasant DFS+ shave.

Shower and conditioner
Parker synthetic
Israeli Personna (1)
Yaqi Ultima on "4"
RazoRock alum
Witch hazel
English Leather aftershave


New razor I received yesterday. Picked up some weepers, and one nick low on the neck that was my fault. But the entire time I used this razor I was thinking "Could this be The One?".

The weight and balance were perfect to me. It was lively and maneuverable. DFS, but I can't wait to try other blades in this!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Modern May

Last night’s cap-riding shave of awesomeness
Fatip Grande
Sharp Titanium (7)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky
Whipped Dog Butterscotch 30mm boar brush
Pre-shave: warm shower :001_wub:
Lather: ARKO!; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky and a drop of hyaluronic acid
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

With help from @WThomas0814 in the “Cult of Arko” thread, I applied a rich, slick lather. And then I managed to water it down, too, without dipping my brush in extra water. Managed a close, comfortable shave that took longer than desired and I think I’ll go back to other brushes for this particular soap for now. The Fatip Grande and Sharp Titanium blade kept on keeping on.

Piggy brush bristles shampooed and rinsed to remove humanity from brush. Hello, moderately lofted synthetics!


Demoted To Moderator
Staff member
Thursday 20240516
Modern May 2024
Razor: Tatara Nodachi SB (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Kai (1 shave, 2 passes)

Friday 20240517
Modern May 2024
Razor: Tatara Nodachi SB (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Kai (2 shaves, 4 passes)

Brush: Wald A1 Nimbus Bloodline Synthetic Fan
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Tallow + Steel Hokkaido
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

Really enjoyed my Thursday and Friday shaves with the Tatara Nodachi SB, Kai blade combination. Nimble & Maneuverable with good control.

Same Supporting Cast. Outstanding!

Superb shaves!
366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84P SBGillette Minora (5)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (5)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
7/10 (Nicked myself)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
8/10 (Smooth)

For extended notes click here

Enjoy your shave everyone!
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