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Luecke finally hits 3000 posts PIF

How many years have you been wet shaving?

  • 0-1 years

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • 1-5 Years

    Votes: 16 26.2%
  • 5-10 years

    Votes: 16 26.2%
  • 10-20 years

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • 20-30 years

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • 30-40 years +

    Votes: 9 14.8%
  • 100-125 years +

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
“Hello, my names is KW, and I’m impressed with your pif”

“Have fun storming the castle, boys”

Not in, but I applaud your generosity.
Hello, my name is David Kimberly. I find honor in those that shave in the footsteps and with the tools of their fathers and grandfathers. I am not in but offer respect and congratulations for 5 years and 3,000 posts!
Hello I'm Arne and I can grow a full beard in no more than 14 days... I loathe beards. That's why I really would like to shave with, what did you call it now again?...straight razor!

No just kidding Matt, not in, but the 14 days for a full beard is sadly enough true.
bahahahaha, I don't think I own a razor that could light a candle to any one of yours.... lol
That really is some sort of crazy super power to grow a full beard in 14 days. So, are you Santa Claus?
bahahahaha, I don't think I own a razor that could light a candle to any one of yours.... lol
That really is some sort of crazy super power to grow a full beard in 14 days. So, are you Santa Claus?
Ehem well not exactly Santa Claus
I've dedicated my whole life to studying chemistry and education so the next couple weeks, I have no school. So I signed on to Badger and Blade and said, "Hello, My name is Ryan you piqued my interest. Prepare to PIF."

Great PIF, I recently acquired my first straight razor and am trying to figure it all out, but am on the fence with the razor. I would be thrilled to use a razor that has been successful for someone who knows what they are doing. If you would prefer it to go to someone who doesn't own and has never owned a straight I am happy to not be considered, otherwise, I'm in.

Every time I watch The Princess Bride I find a new favorite line of the moment, however, hands down the most used line from it in my house is, "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife." The well-placed use of this line has saved me when I am annoying my wife numerous times (in fact The Princess Bride is one of the few movies that I can use to distract through movie reference).
I've dedicated my whole life to studying chemistry and education so the next couple weeks, I have no school. So I signed on to Badger and Blade and said, "Hello, My name is Ryan you piqued my interest. Prepare to PIF."

Great PIF, I recently acquired my first straight razor and am trying to figure it all out, but am on the fence with the razor. I would be thrilled to use a razor that has been successful for someone who knows what they are doing. If you would prefer it to go to someone who doesn't own and has never owned a straight I am happy to not be considered, otherwise, I'm in.

Every time I watch The Princess Bride I find a new favorite line of the moment, however, hands down the most used line from it in my house is, "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife." The well-placed use of this line has saved me when I am annoying my wife numerous times (in fact The Princess Bride is one of the few movies that I can use to distract through movie reference).
You are definitely in the PIF, everything is completely random and open to anyone regardless of experience. Welcome to the world of straight razors!
Sorry not in Matt!!!!
Congratulations on 5 years and 3000 post, and most of all this fantastic PIF. A lucky person will end up with some fantastic stuff....
Last edited:

My name is Daniel Zawacki,

I AM the brute squad!

Prepare to SHAVE!

Respectfully not in, as I am well underway with straights of my own (thanks again Matt!). However, my wife, my circle of friends, as well as my children, we all grew up on this film, and quote it at one another a lot - references abound.

There’s much humor to be found.
I love this movie quite a lot...

...I have since I was just a tot!
Thanks and congratulations, Matt! I'm in!

Hello, my name in Aaron. I'm terrible at introductions, so..... [awkward silence]
Hello, I'm in, and thanks for your generosity!

My name is Greg, and being still new to this game, I'm in pursuit of the perfectly smooth BBS shave. I only started wet shaving with a safety razor a couple of months ago, but from the time I was a child, the idea of shaving with a straight razor has held on for me. Maybe too many TV westerns, watching the gunslinger being shaved with a straight edge just before going out into the street...
Hello, I'm Mike and I joined B&B to learn more about wetshaving and quickly learned that many people that enjoy wetshaving tend to enjoy a lot of other similar interests of mine.

Shaving for me has always been a meditative exercise. No matter the day ahead, a shave -- good or bad -- grounds me and I simply love the experience of it all. I try to improve my technique and learn from each shave, but generally I just enjoy the whole process of it and the fact it's 'my time'.

I work in a hospital and my job is quite mentally demanding and stressful at times, so as well as being a meditative process for me, it's a reset button from the day before and for the day ahead.

This time of year we have a lot of trauma patients because of deteriorating weather conditions so it places my department in particular under increased pressure that by its very nature can't really be planned for.

Anyway, congratulations on your milestone and here's to another 5 years :a17:
Im In! My name is Jairo Morales you have sparked my RAD, my wallet is prepared to die! Lol my favorite part was the battle of wits. "You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha, you fool!! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia; and only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against a Sicilian, when death is on the line!"

Congrats on the milestone! Very generous Pif, Happy holidays!


"Look what I found"
Congratulations on your transformation to a blademaster. Not in on this outstanding PIF. And for the record, my name is Tim and I started wet shaving with double edge razors when Jimmy Carter was president
Congratulations @Luecke2326! This is quite an accomplishment in traditional shaving and being an important part of the community!

The PIF is very tempting, thank you for offering it, but I will respectfully not be in. I think it should perhaps help a prospective SR shaver to get started and I’ve already been on a short walk down the path!

It’s a heck of a rabbit hill to roll down!


EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
I'm not in, but enjoy your posts and contributions! Congrats! My name is EB and I spend more time reading about shaving than I spend shaving! As much I would like another razor, I, too, am of the sentiment that a newer straight shaver would benefit more. I have had the good fortune of picking up some very nice razors from people here on the BST.
Hello, I'm Robert Stewart, I'll leave the PIF to someone not started on the journey yet, and I go by my middle name.
And just noticed I'm at 2K Post already:eek2:
My friends,
It's been a great 5 years! I've met a ton of really amazing people on the forums and I've even made a few friends. I've developed my shaving technique a ton from when I was using a cheap BIC and the cheapest canned goo I could find.... I went from owning over a hundred safety razors to about 8 and now I own over a hundred straights. I started honing soon after I learned to shave with a straight and now I can hone almost anything to a nice shave ready edge. I have a fairly large collection of aftershaves and soaps, but it seems like I always go back to 5-6 of them. I guess this hobby really has taken on a life of its own. Though, I'm more interested in getting other people started now than building my collection. So, I'd like to PIF everything you need to shave with a straight razor. I'm going to give away a new Straight Razor Designs 2" Black Latigo strop, a Straight razor which is TBD(it won't be a rat razor), some soaps and aftershave, and I think some other goodies TBD.
I want you to all know I think B&B is one of the best places on the internet and if it were a cigar and shaving shop in my home town, I'd never want to go home. There are so many diverse views and ways of doing things, but we never are less than gentlemen and that is awesome!
Ok, so how to enter the PIF..... Well as you may have noticed over the last 5 years, my avatar has always been Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride. I chose him as my avatar because he was always ready to introduce himself dramatically and because he has some cool scars, "Hello, I'm Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die!" LOL... SO, I ask that in order to join my PIF, you must say you are IN by saying "Hello, I'm Your first name, and then say your dramatic introduction/purpose!" for example, "Hello, I'm Matt Luecke! I enjoy the hunt and the thrill of finding what I've been searching for! Alternatively you can Introduce yourself and tell me your favorite scene of The Princess Bride movie (if you've never seen The Princess Bride, go watch it, it's worth a good chuckle).
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This PIF is CONUS unless the winner wants help pay a little extra shipping to their country(it will likely be a big box). I'm going to draw for the winner on January 9th and I will use a random number generator to pick the winner. Good luck my friends!
Congrats Matt!!! Thats guite the milestone!!
And on the PIF....thats in it self is awesome!!
Congrats on the 3k! I've been hemming and hawing about jumping on the DE bandwagon, but what the hell....

I'm in!

"Hello. My name is Jeff Beitinger, shift worker extraordinaire. You spilled my coffee. Prepare to die."
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