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Welcome aboard! The 34C is terrific IMO! I suggest you purchase one or two blade sampler packs. Blades are very much YMMV and my top choices depend on the particular razor. Have fun!

I am working with a vintage Gillette right now until the Merkur arrives. I am workin through Try-A-Blades Top 10 pack right now on that one. I might try one by one on some blades then buy a months worth of the best shave. I have two Gillette Sampler Packs that I might not even dip into. I might offer them up in PIF.


Biblical Innards
Greetings Fellow Shavers,

I finally received my authorization to join B&B. Something went wrong on my first application and I got rejected for some reason.

I am currently deployed in the Middle East with the U.S. Air Force and stumbled across Leisure Guy's book on wet shaving. After reading the first few pages and remembering a friend who got into wet shaving when we were at a school together, I thought why not. I'm not spending my money on anything else lol. Not sure how my wife is gonna feel when I redeploy with a complete shave den.

I ordered a cheap vintage Gillette with no date code off of Etsy to pay forward some small business/hobby sales I made back in the day and hit Amazon for some other initial supplies. I ordered 2 sample packs each of the Top 10 and Gillette off Try A Blade and have been at it for about a week now. Surprising (maybe because my razor is not aggressive) I have had no real cuts and I find the experience similar to cartridge shaving, requiring a boat load of cleanup passes after the standard WTG, XTG and ATG. I grabbed a nice starter silver tip off whipped dog and quickly returned my Ed Jagger to Amazon. In this hobby I really want to focus on spending my money at small businesses since I have operated an unofficial sole proprietorship and someday hope to own my own small business.

This led me to order up a Merkur 34C (new) and its slant brother (37C) off of a Shave_Bazaar. I'm saving what everyone reviews as top end blades to try in those (starting with the HD and saving the slant for later use (couldn't pass up the good deal)). From there I plan to buy a 25 pack and settle a little in honing my technique.

Thank you all in advance for the advise and mentorship I will receive from this forum.

Faithfully Serving,

Welcome Adam to B&B and Thank You for Your Service .
Remember to ask a lot of questions ,That is how we all learn from each other .
Take your time with switching blades , shave them for their life (3 or 4 ) shaves .
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