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Is this ok?

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I'm not sure I find *** as offensive as the others.

Yeah, I guess that's kinda of what I was saying earlier. I think explicitly saying one way or the other on that one would be best, as it's sort of a gray area.

Shut the front door

Now those actually made me LOL. :laugh:

But I think as has been mentioned before, it really comes down to intent. If someone is being nasty, they generally will find a way to be so, which is unfortunate.

Lots of other good stuff in this thread too, especially suggestions to consider a cool down period if you have the urge to post something spiteful.
Lots of other good stuff in this thread too, especially suggestions to consider a cool down period if you have the urge to post something spiteful.
If you get that angry, imagine Charlton Heston at the end of Planet of The Apes shouting "Darn you! Darn you all to heck!"
I find my temper mellows a little after that. :wink:


Needs milk and a bidet!
I think it all comes down to intent. What you are implying in your message and how you want it to sound to others.

If you are sincerely mad about something and it comes off in your post that way then substituting an asterisk in place of a few letters in the curse word does nothing to remove the profanity in your post. The tone of the post has already been set and people reading it are already defensive.

on the other hand if you are expressing joy or it is just your casual way of talking then adding an asterisk or any other character is less likely to offend someone then using the actual word. You're using self censorship in a non-malicious way and I'm sure that many folks would appreciate that.

But to be fair if you report one usage, you have to treat the other the same way. Eliminating favoritism or preventing someone from feeling "picked on".


My elbows leak
Staff member
B&B isn't going to provide a George Carlinesque list of words you can't use.
Such lists are abused by the sea lawyers ad infinitum.
Use your head, use your common sense.
Profanity is not permitted here, nor is substituting characters for letters in a profane word to get around the guideline.
Our members are some of the brightest, engaging people you'd ever want to meet, and I find it very hard indeed to believe that they are incapable of expressing their views without resorting to profanity.

What do you think are the odds that I'd use a word in my example that was acceptable here?
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Good point Toothpick, but intent is really difficult to discern on an internet board.
If you feel the need to swear, go elsewhere......


Needs milk and a bidet!
Good point Toothpick, but intent is really difficult to discern on an internet board.
If you feel the need to swear, go elsewhere......

Indeed it is and that was my intent to the post :tongue_sm

I'm sure that some folks think because they are not cursing at someone or because of something negative that their post is fine. I know I'm guilty of it once or twice here. But swearing is swearing anyway you put it. I'm grateful that it has finally been brought in to the light and clarified.

First off I want to make it clear that i'm not trying to find a way to skirt the cursing in posts. I try very hard to be a gentleman here, and not post things that would be considered cursing. I honestly don't know if I have ever cursed on this site. It's possible if I go back and read every post I may find something, maybe not.

All I was trying to do was come to some sort of agreement on what is acceptable and what is clearly not. It's obvious with some words and less obvious with others. Factor in that intent is sometimes very hard to discern, without emoticons, and it makes it real hard to want to help you and the site control it, without feeling like we are filling your inbox with things that don't apply. A couple of examples:

I can't get a BBS to save my butt
I can't get a BBS to save my hiney

You said the site doesn't want *** used, is it the same for the other examples? We all interpret what's cursing and offensive differently, and I want to be able to help you and the other mods control it, but I don't feel like I have enough clarity on what to report, other than the most extreme cases. I guess I'll just stick to those and let others decide on the gray area stuff.
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Needs milk and a bidet!
I think this sums it up perfectly:
Whatever you post here at B&B ought to be of the category that you'd feel no discomfort sharing it with your child, your wife, your mom, or your family Priest or Pastor
I think all three pages of this thread could be summed up with 5 words. Dont Swear On The Forum.
'Nuff said.
Super simple stuff.
I think this sums it up perfectly:
I think the point some are trying to make is that definition is different for all of us. I wouldn't presume to know what it is to others beyond generalities myself, and that goes for anyone's thoughts on anything. I think trying to walk a mile in others shoes so to speak is something the world needs more of these days, but we need to be honest with ourselves about how limited we are in that, and never take for granted what another's perception may be.
I think the point some are trying to make is that definition is different for all of us. I wouldn't presume to know what it is to others beyond generalities myself, and that goes for anyone's thoughts on anything. I think trying to walk a mile in others shoes so to speak is something the world needs more of these days, but we need to be honest with ourselves about how limited we are in that, and never take for granted what another's perception may be.

I think that the point that I was trying to make is that regardless of one's definition, we can all agree what family friendly means. Keep it clean is not a difficult concept. Where you run into a "grey area" is when people try and ride the line or sit on the fence between what is acceptable and what is not. That, as far as I am concerned is either ignorant or immature behavior, neither of which any of us would expect from members of such a forum as this.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I think the point some are trying to make is that definition is different for all of us. I wouldn't presume to know what it is to others beyond generalities myself, and that goes for anyone's thoughts on anything. I think trying to walk a mile in others shoes so to speak is something the world needs more of these days, but we need to be honest with ourselves about how limited we are in that, and never take for granted what another's perception may be.

It's pretty hard to make it more clear than what was said already: use your common sense, use your head. Don't use profanity in any form or post obscene pictures. I would hope that I can assume correctly that everyone here knows the definition of profanity and can tell obscene from a field of roses.

and it all circles back to the original point of the post.....if you are asking or even thinking to yourself "is this ok?" then it is clearly not.
It's pretty hard to make it more clear than what was said already: use your common sense, use your head. Don't use profanity in any form or post obscene pictures. I would hope that I can assume correctly that everyone here knows the definition of profanity and can tell obscene from a field of roses.

and it all circles back to the original point of the post.....if you are asking or even thinking to yourself "is this ok?" then it is clearly not.

It's pretty hard to make it more clear than what was said already: use your common sense, use your head. Don't use profanity in any form or post obscene pictures. I would hope that I can assume correctly that everyone here knows the definition of profanity and can tell obscene from a field of roses.

and it all circles back to the original point of the post.....if you are asking or even thinking to yourself "is this ok?" then it is clearly not.

I agree that common sense should be used, that is the basic gist of what I am saying.

I also think this thread is great, as it's spawned a good organic conversation of the norms and expectations of B&B and the folks who participates thoughts.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I agree that common sense should be used, that is the basic gist of what I am saying.

I also think this thread is great, as it's spawned a good organic conversation of the norms and expectations of B&B and the folks who participates thoughts.

+1 This thread was needed. We all have a certain pride of being members here and we try to govern ourselves and others the best we can.
The only point I was trying to make was , without at least a blurry line to follow, how are we supposed to know what's profanity to someone, or a site, that we've never met or asked before?

I'm not talking about obvious words that everyone knows about. I'm talking about the many grey area words ( which I have given small examples above ). I'm talking about someone posting something and having no idea that the site or others find it to be profanity or offensive.

I don't have a dog in the fight, I was just trying to figure out what the site considered profanity, above and beyond the obvious. I only posted in here because I wanted to help with policing it. As of now I don't feel comfortable doing that beyond the obvious. Phil asked for thoughts, I was just discussing it. I thought that's what this thread was about?
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