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Ingrown hairs

Ashe said:
Bob, the good thing is that all of us typically advise the same items meaning alot of truth should be in there.

It wouldn't be easy for newbies if every member had a different proposal on fixing his/her problems now would it? :001_smile
Agreed...and one day he will be giving similar advice to a noob... :wink2:
Berfore I got my Merkur Hd, I was using a Mach III. It would leave parts of my neck looking and feeling like I shaved with fireants. But with the Merkur Hd I have never had that problem again. IMO this is one of the best razor for the money, for a beginner or someone that has been shaveing since the first DE razor was invented. lol
Excellent Ashley!

I have a Merkur HD and a Long Handle cause a) the HD is widely praised for newbies and b) I have rather big hands and wanted to make the switch from a long handle Mach 3 to a DE easier. Up until now I have only used the Long Handle because I first want to learn the proper technique and move up from there.

I also advise you to take the EJ Best Badger brush and its matching stand. I took the black one and it's looking fabulous. It's also soft on the face but not too soft either, makes a good starting point.

It's good to see you're going for it! You won't regret the steps you're about to take!

My DE razor arrived today with blades. Will nab my dad's brush and soap.

I'm out tonight so I will have to wear the stubble rather than try it out tonight. I may try shaving my hand tonight.

lather well
no pressure
30 degree angle

Kind regards,

Goosemeplease said:
Good luck- post up your results!

OK didn't go out in the end so tried the old DE thing. Hmm... first thing was I shaved my lip thinking has this thing worked. Then shaved my cheeks..

What is this strange sound ? (never had this sound with M3) Nice sound but still doesn't feel like anyting is being cut ! Shaving doesn't hurt like with the M3. After shaving my face feels different to after a M3 shave. A few knicks but less than with the M3. M3 gave deep cuts! My only problems was that my lather kinda crapped out halfway through the shave!

As for the ingrowns I will have to wait and see.

Kind regards,

Hello Ashley,
Perhaps while resolving your lather issues there is something else to keep in mind. The longer a good moist lather is on you face, the longer it has an opportunity to soften your whiskers. Many gents find it beneficial to shave there cheeks before shaving their moustache and chin to benefit from the softening effect of the lather.
Congratulations on taking the first step!
ashm24 said:
OK didn't go out in the end so tried the old DE thing. Hmm... first thing was I shaved my lip thinking has this thing worked. Then shaved my cheeks..

What is this strange sound ? (never had this sound with M3) Nice sound but still doesn't feel like anyting is being cut !

My only problems was that my lather kinda crapped out halfway through the shave!

As for the ingrowns I will have to wait and see.

Kind regards,


As for the feeling of nothing being cut but being able to hear it...It feels nice doesn't it.

Regarding your lather problem, what were you using? Soap , Cream, what kind?
ashm24 said:
My only problems was that my lather kinda crapped out halfway through the shave!


It has begun!< Shang Tsung's voice>

That sound you heard was the razor reducing your beard growth to stubble. continue to listen for that sound while shaving-its one of the ways you can tell if your angle is right(or at least in the ballpark).

Check out Mantic's(Mark) video on building a lather- it will help.

Hopefully, no ingrowns will show up-from your post,it appears you took your time and things went well. Never be afraid to use more soap or cream; your lather(lubricant) on your face is very important. In fact, do not shave any portion that does not have lather on it.

Looking forward to hearing how your shaves go in the future!

Benjamin, in general, I think shaving too close every day is a major cause of ingrown hairs. Also, too much pressure can contribute to them as well as cause nicks or cuts. I shave as close as possible once a week only, the rest of the time, one pass N-S on both cheeks, and one N-S pass and one light S-N pass along my neck is plenty good enough. If I use my straight, one pass N-S is easily enough for me, even though my beard's heavy.

ashm24 said:

Thanks for the advice. The razor burn from trying that disposable on my hand is starting to show. I'm just looking here http://www.gentlemans-shop.com/acatalog/Double_Edge_Safety_Razors.html

Kind regards,


Hi Ashley,

I'm a relative newbie to this but I just wanted to say I can highly recommend the website you listed above. I ordered a Merkur Futur (and several other things) from them on thursday and they arrived the next day - very good service. In fact I just ordered another few items from them today. :rolleyes:

The Merkur Futur is adjustable with levels from 1 (least aggressive) to 6 (most aggressive). I've only used it twice so far (yesterday and today) but I can say it's great. I have it set on 1 at the moment after trying 3.5 yesterday which was far too brutal for me at the moment! 1 seems ok to learn with, though you still have to be careful.

They seem pricey but if you buy one you'll see why. It's beautifully made and is just really nice to hold/use. :)
ashm24 said:

This has to be the worst razor ever... Just one look at it and you immediately think of the words 'cheap' and 'dangerous' lol

Totally in agreement with Iwan though about the Gentlemans shop...I ordered a few things from there last month and they arrived really quickly and very well packaged. Would heartily recommend their services :thumbup1:
Nick75 said:
This has to be the worst razor ever... Just one look at it and you immediately think of the words 'cheap' and 'dangerous' lol

Totally in agreement with Iwan though about the Gentlemans shop...I ordered a few things from there last month and they arrived really quickly and very well packaged. Would heartily recommend their services :thumbup1:

Yeah the BIC was the only single blade I could get in the supermarket. I once dismantled a Mach 3 and changed it into a single blader. Worst razor for ingrowns was that Wilkinson Sword that adjusted to the contours of your face.:mad:

I find the stubble grow out from DE shave nicer than the mach 3 grow out. Currently in stubble phase waiting for Monday morning!


ashm24 said:
I find the stubble grow out from DE shave nicer than the mach 3 grow out. Currently in stubble phase waiting for Monday morning!



Can I assume from your post that so far there are no Ingrown hairs to report folowing your first DE shave?
JMT said:
Can I assume from your post that so far there are no Ingrown hairs to report folowing your first DE shave?


No ingrowns and no bumps yet caused by the DE. I have used it three days in a row to get used to the new technique. I shaved tonight because I won't have time on Monday morning.

BTW I'm shaving to a 5'o clock shadow on beard, and close on upper lip.


Good to hear. If you continue not to get ingrowns, perhaps it is time to try gradually going closer. From the reports of other, and my own experience (although ingrowns and bumps were only ever a problem for me with against the grain shaving with a M3), the DE has a good chance of letting you go to a smooth, or almost smooth shave safely. Good luck.

Ok it was the day of a meeting today so I thought I would test a different DE blade. I put the 'Asda' Personna blade in. This blade was so much different to the Merkur blade with the razor. The Personna felt blunt on the face, and I had to change the cutting angle to get the thing to cut. Gave a few nasty knicks because of the 'harsher' cutting angle. I couldn't believe how different the razor was with a different blade. Next blade I will try will be the Tesco blades.

Ingrowns; getting more knicks that ingrowns.(I can treat knicks) Any ideas how long I should wait before re-shaving after getting a knick ?

I seem to get the knicks at sharp changes in angle. ..Between neck and chin, and at the jawline.I assume it's my incorrect razor angle at these points as my 'face' angle changes.

Kind regards,

I have read this entire thread, but my question is unanswered: Does one continue shaving over ingrown hairs while treating them or does he wait for them to heal?

Since returning to DE shaving about a month ago which is also about the time I shaved off my beard of 27 years, I have developed two ingrown hairs - one on each side of my chin. At least they respect the symmetry of my face. But they hurt. I haven't shaved since Sunday (today's Tuesday). The thought of putting a razor anywhere near those two spots gets a reaction from my "special place".

So, do I shave around them and end up with two bristly red bumps or do I bite down on a washcloth and shave them off with styptic pencil at the ready?

Btw, if it matters, I use a Mercur Classic long handle. Last Sunday was my second day with a Derby blade. I shave after showering and applying Proraso. I am using MamaBear's English Leather shaving soap. I usually lather, do a N/S pass; lather and do S/N pass, and lather and do a E/W or W/E pass. A cold water rinse is followed by Proraso after-shave balm or Nivea after-shave balm. I haven't been using any after shave lotion since returning to a DE shave.

And one last thing, these two spots always gave me trouble from the time I first had to shave. I think that subconsciously, they were the reason I grew and kept the beard for so long. At least with the beard, I didn't have to shave those spots on my chin.

I always appreciate the counsel you guys give. Thanks, Glenn (aka HairyCarey)
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