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In Praise of Tiny Razors

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets

Honed this little guy yesterday along with 18 other assorted blades, including my GD Mod Competition entry, which I was planning on shaving with this morning. One of them, anyway, as the entry is a matched pair. But this little feller caught my eye and I haven't shaved with anything this small since I started finishing with diamond on balsa. I got to say, it doesn't get the acreage covered as quickly as a big blade, it sure was fun to shave with and the results are fine. For comparison in the pic above is a partly finished GD mod, a bit over 6/8 now that the edge is straightened.

So, when you get a few of these little toothpicks in a lot of assorted razors on fleabay or whatever, don't toss them. If you can hone them, they can shave you, or shave somebody anyway. I was gonna ebay this one or PIF it but I might just keep it around for a while.

Anybody else have anything to say about microrazors?
I have 3/8 Henckles that shaves just fine. Like [MENTION=110007]doc47[/MENTION] said, you do have to wipe or rinse the blade pretty often. The very edge is what shaves you, not the 9/8 of steel to the spine on top of it.
I had a couple 4/8 blades once upon a time..worked alright I suppose but they just weren't my style. I have one 5/8 razor which I seldom use because I think it is a tad too tiny. All my other razors are 6/8 or 7/8 (oh and one 13/16); I much prefer them.
I have a few small blades, and love them! My favorite is a MK 30, with an EA Berg, a SE Droescher, and a Wostenholm all tied for second ( all 4/8 )! What can I say, I love these little 'mustache' razors! @Acmemfg I'm just the opposite... While I have (and use) bigger blades, 5/8 (or less) is what does it for me! =)
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